摘 要
In view of the rapid economic development and the emergence of large and medium-sized cities appear difficult parking phenomenon, elevator lift three-dimensional garage design came into being. This three-dimensional garage technology is being widely used in a variety of large residential, shopping malls and so on. After analyzing the research on the three-dimensional elevator lifts in the three-dimensional garage, this paper mainly analyzes and designs the traversing machinery part. The main contents are as follows:
(1) Firstly, the general situation and characteristics of the three-dimensional elevator garage in the elevator are analyzed, and the advantages and disadvantages of the scheme of different traversing mechanical parts are compared, and the traverse driving mode of the garage is determined. This design uses chain transfer traverse form;
(2) After analyzing the functional requirements and realization of the trapezoidal storage structure of the elevator lifts, the structure and the mechanical structure of the trailer are designed and analyzed. After selecting the design scheme, complete the selection, checking and calculation of the parts of the three-dimensional garage traversing machinery;
(3) The design of the elevator lift three-dimensional garage as the main research object, design and analysis of its traverse part of the mechanical structure, by comparing the pros and cons of different programs, and ultimately determine the economically viable, can promote the use of the design, and can use this The program provides ideas and directions for future research.
Keywords: elevator lift three-dimensional garage; traverse mechanical part;chain drive
2.1 电梯升降式立体车库整体框架
2.1.1 钢的结构形式
但是钢材也具有明显的缺点,即耐锈蚀性差 ,但可以通过采用涂合适的防锈涂料来减轻锈蚀的影响。并且因为立体车库所在环境中没有像是酸性气体、液体之类的腐蚀性介质,因此钢结构本身所消耗的维护费用很低。

目 录
第1章 绪论 1
1.1 课题的背景、目的及意义 1
1.2 电梯升降式立体车库的发展概况 1
1.3本设计的主要任务 4
第2章 电梯升降式立体车库横移部分的工作原理 5
2.1 电梯升降式立体车库整体框架 5
2.1.1 钢的结构形式 5
2.1.2钢的材料与连接 6
2.1.3 钢结构的分析与校核 7
2.2电梯升降式立体车库横移机械部分部件结构和功能 12
2.2.1下载车板 12
2.2.2横移机构 12
2.3电梯升降式立体车库横移机械部分传动系统的比较分析 13
2.4电梯升降式立体车库横移机械部分传动系统的确定 14
第3章电梯升降式立体车库横移机械部分研究设计 15
3.1载车板结构 15
3.2横移电动机的选择 16
3.3横移车轮与导轨的选择 17
3.4横移链传动的设计 19
3.5横移传动轴的设计 22
3.6联轴器与键的选择 24
3.6.1 联轴器的选择 24
3.6.2 键的选择与校核 24
3.7轴承的选择 25
3.7.1 轴承的选用及校核 25
3.7.2 轴承寿命校核 25
3.7.3 轴承润滑 25
第4章 总结与展望 26
4.1总结 26
4.2期望 27
参考文献 28
附录 29
致谢 30