来源:56doc.com 资料编号:5D25531 资料等级:★★★★★ %E8%B5%84%E6%96%99%E7%BC%96%E5%8F%B7%EF%BC%9A5D25531
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摘 要
This paper is divided into two parts.The first part calculates wheel pressure and stability of the 1200t/h bridge type grab ship unloader, including dead load, dynamic load, unloading and other conditions. The second part design and calculate the luffing mechanism of 1200t/h bridge type grab ship unloader, such as steel wire rope, drum, motor, reducer selection, etc.
Stability checking calculation by calculating a variety of load generated by the wheel pressure algebra. And all the negative factors concentrated in a leg. As long as the leg wheel pressure is not less than zero, the ship unloading machine to meet the stability.
The luffing mechanism is designed to calculate the wire rope tension first.Then complete the selection of spare parts and standard parts step-by-step.The mechanism design process must be very rigorous. An error may cause the whole design process to be over again.
The results of this paper show that the overall stability of the ship unloading machine meets the requirements.And the design of the luffing mechanism can also be put into use.
Key Words:grab ship unloader;stability;luffing mechanism;model selection
技术参数:起重量 25吨(额定生产率:1200吨/小时)
前伸距:27 后伸距:19.5m
起升速度:满载140m/min, 空载:180m/min
俯仰时间: 0-80 度 〈 6min

目 录
第一章 绪论 7
1.1选题背景 7
1.2.选题目的及意义 7
1.3 发展现状 7
1.3.1国内发展现状 7
1.3.2国外发展现状 7
第二章 总体计算 8
2.1轮压计算 8
2.2稳定性验算 17
2.2.1静载工况 17
2.2.2动载工况 18
2.2.3突然卸载 21
2.2.4 非工作工况 21
第三章 俯仰机构设计计算 22
3.1俯仰运动过程分析 22
3.2选择钢丝绳 24
3.2.1计算钢丝绳最大静拉力 24
3.2.2选取钢丝绳 24
3.3确定滑轮和卷筒尺寸,计算卷筒转速 25
3.3.1滑轮尺寸 25
3.3.2计算卷筒尺寸与转速 25
3.4选择电动机 27
3.4.1计算电动机功率 27
3.4.2选择电动机 27
3.4.3电动机的校验 27
3.5选择减速器 28
3.5.1计算传动比 28
3.5.2计算运转功率 29
3.5.3 初选减速器 29
3.5.4计算许用最大功率与许用最大转矩 29
3.5.5校验减速器功率与转矩 29
3.5.6计算实际热功率 30
3.5.7校验减速器热功率 30
3.5.8 校验卷筒实际线速度 30
3.5.9校核减速器低速轴径向载荷 30
3.6选择联轴器 31
3.6.1选择高速轴联轴器 31
3.6.2选择低速轴联轴器 31
3.7选择制动器 32
3.7.1选择高速轴制动器 32
3.7.2选择低速轴安全制动器 32
3.8 半轴设计 32
3.9选择滚动轴承 33
3.10 启动时间和制动时间校验 34