摘 要
关键词:制药压片机 设计方案 绘图
The design of pharmaceutical tablet press
The tablet technology is usually used for the pharmaceutical industry. Currently the direction of the development of the press technology is to make tableting machines more and more intelligent, flexible, accurate and in line with the GMP requirements, the use of scientific and technological level in the tablet machine is more and more high. Machinery, gas, liquid, optical, and magnetic integration automation technology, numerical control technology, sensor technology, new materials technology is widely using in a tabletting machine.
I conducted a comprehensive review of domestic pharmaceutical tablet machine level and classified the classification of the type of the tablet press. Taking different tablet presses into considered, I made a design of pharmaceutical tablet press. In this design, I made the design and calculations of the deceleration system, feeding mechanism, upper punch and lower punch, four important parts, and I finished the mapping of them.
Key words: pharmaceutical tablet press; design scheme; mapping
(2)生产速率初定为25片/min,冲头压力大约在15kN,运转不均匀系数δ≤[δ] =10%;

摘 要 I
Abstract II
第一章 概述 1
1.1引言 1
1.2 文献综述 1
1.3本文任务 2
1.4主要工作 3
第二章 压片机整体设计 4
2.1压片机组成部分: 4
2.2工艺动作的分解: 5
2.3运动分析: 6
2.4功能分解: 7
第三章 压片机详细设计 8
3.1减速系统的设计[6][7] 8
3.1.1电动机的类型: 8
3.1.2执行机构所需功率: 8
3.1.3电动机功率: 8
3.1.4选择电动机 8
3.1.5传动比的确定: 9
3.1.6计算各轴的转速和功率 9
3.1.7设计V型带轮的结构和尺寸并进行校对 10
3.1.8高速轴上的齿轮设计 12
3.1.9 低速轴上的齿轮设计 17
3.1.10轴的设计 17
3.1.11轴的部分受力、弯矩计算 19
3.1.12轴的强度校核 20
3.1.13轴的寿命校核 20
3.2送料机构设计 22
3.2.1凸轮部分设计: 22
3.2.2料筛进给机构对心直动滚子推杆盘形凸轮机构设计 22
3.3上冲头机构设计 23
3.3.1齿轮箱的作用和工作原理: 23
3.3.2两齿轮的尺寸确定: 23
3.3.3六杆机构的设计: 24
3.3.4 曲柄滑块机构设计 25
3.4下冲头机构设计 26
第四章 机构生产调节说明 27
第五章 小结 28
参考文献 29
致谢 32