摘 要
关键词:结构设计 强度校核 应力分析
The design of the pneumatic fixed ball valve
In this paper, based on the known ball valve design experience a nominal diameter is 350 mm, the nominal pressure of 6.3 million mpa pneumatic fixed ball ball valve products, mainly including structure design, strength check drawing and painting, etc., in the structure and materials under the premise of meet the strength, with a smaller consumption, simpler structure, reduce the complexity of the structure, to complete the design of the product.
This design has to design conditions as the starting point, through the query design manuals and standard to design the structure of ball valve, mainly including body, ball, stem, selection and design of the flange, and the stress analysis, then after determining material intensity.
Master valve in the design process of material selection, design and calculation of valve, the valve strength calculation of main parts such as knowledge, mastering the common valve product final design and test method, the translation of foreign language information. For future study and design the similar ball valve has a certain reference value.
Key words:Structure design;Strength check;Stress analysis
压力等级:PN1.0-32.0MPa、ANSI CLASS 150-900、JIS10-20K;
公称通经:DN6~900mm、NPS 1/4 ~36'';

目 录
中文摘要 I
英文摘要 II
第一章 绪论 1
1.1球阀历史 1
1.2球阀的发展 1
1.3国内外研究现状 3
1.3本文研究的主要内容、方法和目标 4
第二章 球阀的结构设计及校核 5
2.1球阀的概述 5
2.1.1球阀的构成 5
2.1.2球阀工作原理 5
2.1.3球阀的优缺点 5
2.1.4球阀的技术参数 6
2.1.5球阀的分类 6
2.2阀体的确定 7
2.2.1.确定阀体的结构形式 7
2.2.2确定连接形式 7
2.2.3 确定结构长度 8
2.2.4 阀体材料的选用 8
2.3球体流通直径以及半径的确定 8
2.3.1确定球体流通直径 8
2.3.2确定球体半径 9
2.4阀体壁厚的确定 9
2.5球体与阀座之间密封比压的确定 10
2.5.1必需比压的计算 10
2.5.2许用比压选择 11
2.5.3设计比压的计算 12
2.6球阀的转矩计算 13
2.7 阀杆的设计和校核 15
2.7.1 阀杆材料选择 15
2.7.2 阀杆强度计算及校核 16
2.8 阀杆连接件的强度计算 19
2.8.1平键的强度计算 20
2.8.2 平键剪切力计算 21
2.9阀体法兰设计 22
2.9.1法兰螺栓设计 22
2.9.2 法兰螺栓拉应力的计算 23
2.9.3 阀体法兰校核 23
2.10 气动执行器 26
2.10.1工作原理 27
2.10.2 基本构成 28
2.10.3优缺点 28
2.10.4分类选型 30
结 论 32
参考文献 34
致谢 35