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摘 要
Ball valve has been used widely in various industries. It is opened by turning a handle attached to a ball inside the valve. The ball has a hole or port through the middle, so that when the port is in line with both ends of the valve, the flow will occur. When the valve is closed, the hole is perpendicular to the ends of the valve, and the flow is blocked.
This article according the requirements of the given parameters to design a nominal diameter of 350 mm and nominal pressure of 2.5 MPa hard seal ball valve products, mainly has included the choice of material, the structural design and the intensity examination and so on。In the structure and material aspect in satisfying under the intensity premise, reduce the structure as far as possible the complexity, by a smaller consumption, a simpler structure realizes the end product design optimization, simultaneously carries on the stress to ball valve's major component the software analysis. The province strength organization does for a task of design part, we need to choose the appropriate organization according to ball valve's characteristic.
Key words:Ball valve;nominal diameter;nominal pressure;Structural design.

目 录
摘要 I
Abstract II
第一章 绪论 1
1.1阀门简介 1
1.2阀门的的分类 1
1.3球阀简介 2
1.4球阀发展历史 2
1.5国内外研究现状 2
1.6阀门的发展 3
1.7本文研究的主要内容、方法和目标 4
第二章 球阀的结构 5
2.1球阀的构成、作用原理、特点和结构分类 5
2.1.1球阀的构成 5
2.1.2球阀的作用原理 5
2.1.3球阀的特点 5
2.1.4球阀的结构类型 6
第三章 球阀的结构设计及校核 7
3.1球体的直径确定 7
3.2球体与阀座之间密封比压的确定 7
3.2.1必需比压的计算 7
3.2.2需用比压选择 8
3.2.3设计比压的计算 8
3.3球阀密封力的计算 10
3.4球阀的转矩计算 11
3.5 阀体设计 13
3.5.1阀体结构形式、连接形式、结构长度和材料的确定 13
3.5.2阀体壁厚的确定 13
3.5.3 阀体法兰设计 14
3.5.4 阀体法兰校核 15
3.6 阀杆的设计和校核 19
3.6.1 阀杆材料选择 19
3.6.2 阀杆填料的选择、填料摩擦力及摩擦转矩的计算 19
3.6.3 阀杆强度的计算 21
3.7 阀杆连接件的强度计算 24
3.8 球体的设计和校核 25
3.9 球阀的阀座设计 27
3.10 省力机构的设计和校核 29
3.10.1蜗轮蜗杆的设计 29
3.10.2蜗轮蜗杆的强度校核 30
第四章 结论与展望 32
4.1主要结论 32
4.2展望 32
参考文献 33
致谢 34