关键字:超高压 小流量 往复泵
Reciprocating pump is one of the pumps which was produced earliest. It has been with us more than 2100 years. Before the appearance of rotating motive, the reciprocating pump is almost the only pump. After the emergence of the rotating motive, it gradually produces centrifugal pump rotor pump and other type of pump. The pump which was produced later has the advantages of relatively simple structure,
Convenient operation, small volume, light weight, uniform flow and so on. It leads to the place which was used by original reciprocating pump was replaced by the light weight, uniform flow pump. At present, the output of reciprocating pump is very few. However, the characteristics of reciprocating pump have not been replaced by other types of pump. Some characteristics are also unique. So, It will not be eliminated, but will remain as an indispensable pumps, and widely used.
The super-pressure and small flux pump (PN120Mpa) was designed in this dissertation. The main work is listed as follows:
(1) Based on retrieving the documents and comparing, the major designing project of the super-pressure and small flux pump was confirmed according to the parameter;
(2) According to the calculation, the main parts of the pump such as piston ring, one-way valve and so on were designed with suitable material;
(3) Intensity of the main parts was checked according to the calculation.
KEYWORDS: super-pressure small flux reciprocation pump

摘要 I
第一章 前言 1
第二章 泵的设计参数确定和工作原理 4
2.1泵的设计参数的确定 4
2.1.1泵的设计压力的确定 4
2.1.2泵的流量的确定 4
2.1.3泵的其他参数的确定 5
2.2泵的工作原理 5
第三章 原动机的选择 7
3.1原动机功率 的选择和确定 7
3.1.1泵的轴功率N和泵的总效率 7
3.1.2原动机功率 7
3.1.3储备系数 和原动机功率选择 8
3.2原动机的选择 8
3.3减速器的选择 10
3.3.1总传动比的确定 10
3.3.2带传动的计算 11
第四章 液力端主要零部件设计 14
4.1液缸体 14
4.1.1液缸体结构特点及选择 14
4.1.2液缸体壁厚确定及强度校核 15
4.2管路 16
4.3泵阀设计 16
4.3.1阀座孔径 17
4.3.2阀板厚度 18
4.3.3阀板与阀座密封接触面宽度b的确定 18
4.3.4阀板直径 的确定 18
4.4活塞环的设计 18
4.5柱塞及其密封 19
4.5.1柱塞 19
4.5.2柱塞密封 20
第五章 传动端主要零部件设计 23
5.1机体 23
5.1.1机体的基本结构形式 23
5.1.2机体的结构设计 23
5.1.3机体的技术要求 24
5.2曲轴 25
5.2.1曲轴的结构特点和选择 25
5.2.2曲轴的受力分析计算 26
5.2.3曲轴强度校核 27
5.2.4曲轴材料及主要技术要求 30
5.3十字头 31
5.3.1十字头结构设计 31
5.3.2十字头销 33
5.3.3十字头强度校核及比压计算 33
5.3.4主要技术要求 37
结束语 39
参考文献 40
致谢 42