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Design of TC6510 tower crane Jib
Tower craneis an indispensable lifting transport, which is more and more widely used in large engineering construction. This topic mainly completes the design of the metal structure of the jib of TC6510 tower crane and the selection calculation of the lifting mechanism.
In this design, the truss structure with triangular cross-section is a horizontal truss with variable amplitude of trolley. High Strength Bolts are used to connect the jib joints. Taking the lifting arm and balancing arm as the research object, the materials and specifications of chord bar and web bar are selected, and various loads on the lifting plane and rotary plane are analyzed. According to GB/T 13752-2017 "Design Code for Tower Crane", the stiffness, overall stability and single limb stability of the boom under three working conditions are calculated and checked, which meet the design requirements. According to the parameters required by the lifting mechanism, according to the design specifications mentioned above, YZRDW225M-4/8 motor and QJS280-25 reducer, 35×7-13-1770 wire rope and 333 mm diameter drum are selected.
Key words:Lifting arm; Stability;Balance arm; Tower crane; Lifting mechanism

摘要 I
第一章 绪论 1
1.1课题研究背景 1
1.2国内外研究现状 1
1.2.1国内研究现状 1
1.2.2国外研究现状 2
1.3本课题研究内容 3
第二章 起重机臂架总体设计方案 4
2.1臂架结构选择 4
2.2安全装置 5
第三章 臂架的钢结构计算 7
3.1起重臂的计算 7
3.1.1起重臂的构造 7
3.1.2初选起重臂的结构件型号 8
3.1.3作用在起重臂上的载荷计算 9
3.1.4起重臂的受力分析 12
3.1.5起重臂稳定应力校核 20
3.1.6臂架连接高强度螺栓计算 30
3.2平衡臂的计算 31
3.2.1平衡臂的构造 31
3.2.2初选平衡臂的结构件型号 32
3.2.3作用在平衡臂上的载荷计算 33
3.2.4平衡臂的受力分析 34
3.2.5平衡臂的稳定应力校核 37
第四章 起升机构的设计选型 39
4.1起升机构工作原理 39
4.2起升机构设计与校核 40
4.2.1主要性能参数 40
4.2.2钢丝绳的选择 40
4.2.3卷筒设计 40
4.2.4电动机设计 42
4.2.5起制动校核 43
4.2.6减速器选择 43
4.2.7制动器选择 44
4.2.8验算实际工作速度 44
第五章 总结与展望 46
5.1经济性分析 46
5.2总结与展望 47
5.2.1工作总结 47
5.2.2课题展望 47
参考文献 49
致谢 51