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关键词:旋转型灌装机 传动结构 液压缸
Design of rotary automatic liquid filling system
This graduation project is the design of rotary filling machine and its transmission structure. First of all, in the introduction part, the development and status of the liquid filling industry are introduced, i, and then through comparison, the type of the design of the filling machine is determined. In the second chapter, a specific filling line is introduced from the empty bottle into the assembly line to finish the finished product, including the machine for cleaning and disinfection and the filling and sealing of the machine. Then, the design calculation of filling machine is carried out, the design and calculation of hydraulic cylinder and transmission shaft. Finally, the technical and economic analysis of the filling machine is carried out, and the economic benefits of various filling machines are analyzed through comparison.
The design of rotary filling machine and transmission device represents the general process of design, which is of great help to the future mechanical design work.
Key Words: Filling machine; Liquid; Process of design

摘要 I
Abstract II
第一章 绪论 1
1.1自动灌装系统发展过程及现状 1
1.2自动灌装常用结构分类 1
1.3通用灌装机组成 1
1.3本文工作 5
第二章 灌装系统的整体结构设计 6
2.1设计参数 6
2.2总体方案 6
第三章 灌装系统的详细设计 8
3.1主要零部件的设计 8
3.2其它零部件的设计 17
第四章 技术经济分析 28
结论 29
参考文献 30
致谢 32