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摘 要
关键词:安全阀 在线检测 夹具 液压缸
Design of on-line inspection device for safety valve
Safety valve is a kind of protective device, which controls the pressure not exceeding the specified value and plays a protective role for personal safety and equipment. To ensure the safety of the equipment, the general safety valve requirements "at least once a year should be tested". At present, most of safety valves are inspected by off-line test method. Off-line test method requires the safety valve to be removed after the production equipment is stopped for check. Although the purpose of check is achieved, it also leads to a series of economic problems brought by that the production equipment must be stopped. Besides, this method is also limited by the disassembly conditions of the safety valve, with long check time and high comprehensive cost. Compared with off-line test method, on-line test method has great advantages in terms of safety, economy and time, so it is necessary to study online validation.
A set of electromechanical and hydraulic integrated safety valve on-line testing method is designed in this thesis, which takes mechanical structure as the main body and is assisted by hydraulic system as the power and completes the testing by computer control. This device mainly includes: (1) the calculation in the design of mechanical fixture; (2) design and calculation of hydraulic power system; (3) control part of the data acquisition device and sensor selection[1].
Key Words: Safety valve;On-line test inspection;Mechanical fixture;Hydraulic cylinder

摘 要 I
Abstract II
第一章 绪论 1
1.1研究背景和意义 1
1.2国内外研究现状 2
1.3本论文主要研究内容 3
第二章 安全阀在线检测装置的整体设计 4
第三章 机械部分设计 7
3.1机械夹具设计 7
3.2液压动力系统设计 10
第四章 控制部分设计 19
4.1数据采集设备的选型 19
4.2测试传感器 21
4.3数据采集箱集成和连接 24
第五章 经济性分析 26
第六章 总结和展望 28
参考文献 29
致谢 30