With the arrival of the information age, computer technology has developed rapidly, and it has also driven the maturity of numerical control processing technology at the same time. The demand and performance requirements of CNC machine tools in the mechanical processing industry are increasing day by day. CNC machine tools are widely used, but they still need continuous development and optimization to meet the processing needs of more different kinds of parts. For the processing of small metal parts, the NC machine tools in large processing centers are easy to cause unfavorable factors such as excessive energy consumption and increased production cost due to improper fitting. The adoption of small NC machine tools can improve the processing efficiency and reduce the control error. Therefore, the research and development of small NC machine tools has received more and more attention. Based on this, this subject has designed and developed a small gantry milling machine test bed.
In this paper, firstly, the development status of small CNC machine tools at home and abroad is studied. According to the principle of machine tool structure mechanical design, the overall design parameters and requirements of small gantry milling machine test bed are put forward. Then, the overall layout of spindle system and three feed linear mechanical modules is carried out. After detailed calculation and analysis, the main parts, key supports and connectors are selected and designed, and SolidWorks software is used for part modeling and overall assembly. Then, judgewhether there are defects in the structure is analyzed so as to improve the optimization. After that, the motion controller was selected, the whole structure of the small gantry milling machine experiment table was built, and the arc machining was realized by programming.
KeyWords:small gantry CNC machine tools; structural design ; structure optimize ; part selection;finite element analysis; motion control

摘 要 I
目 录 I
第一章绪论 1
1.1课题研究背景及意义 1
1.2国内外研究及发展现状 1
1.2.1国外研究及发展现状 1
1.2.2国内研究及发展现状 2
1.3课题研究内容 3
第二章试验台总体方案设计 5
2.1试验台结构设计的基本原则 5
2.2试验台设计的总体要求 6
2.3试验台总体结构方案设计 6
2.3.1技术参数设计 6
2.3.2机床总体布局设计 7
2.3.3机床机械结构设计 8
2.4本章小结 9
第三章小型龙门铣床试验台关键部件选型 10
3.1 电主轴系统 10
3.1.1电主轴选型 10
3.1.2主轴支座的设计 13
3.2进给系统 13
3.2.1电机选型 14
3.2.2丝杠选型 15
3.2.3联轴器选型 16
3.3 支撑件及连接件设计 17
3.3.1 丝杠螺母连接平台设计 17
3.3.2导轨型号选择 19
3.3.3半连接板设计 20
3.3.4丝杠底接块设计 22
3.3.5支撑立柱设计 23
3.4小型龙门铣床试验台三维建模 24
3.5本章小结 25
第四章小型龙门铣床试验台有限元分析 26
4.1有限元分析理论 26
4.2有限元分析步骤 27
4.3龙门横梁静动态分析 27
4.4龙门支承立柱静动态分析 32
4.6本章小结 34
第五章试验台运动控制及实际加工 35
5.1Galil DMC系列运动控制器介绍 35
5.2Galil DMC系列运动控制器操作指令介绍 36
5.3加工程序编写 42
5.4实际加工过程展示 42
5.5本章小结 43
第六章总结与展望 44
致谢 45
参考文献 46