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摘 要
关键词:塔机 平衡臂 ANSYS 应力云图
Design of counter-balance jib for QTZ160 tower crane
In this paper, the tower crane is basically introduced. Secondly, on the basis of the same type of tower crane, the structural type and some basic parameters of QTZ160 tower crane counter-balance jib are determined. Finally, ANSYS software is used to analyze.
In the counter-balance jib design process, according to the actual structure of the counter-balance jib, using ANSYS to model its overall structure. The main limb channel and the web are modeled with Beam188 beam element, and the tie rod is modeled by Link8 bar unit. And the definition of the material parameters and the division of the grid made a brief introduction. After the model is built, the constraints and related loads are imposed and analyzed. And then get the required stress cloud and check to determine the basic parameters of the selected counter-balance jib to meet the requirements, and ultimately complete the counter-balance jib design.
Key words:Tower crane; Counter-balance jib; ANSYS; The stress nephogram

目 录
摘 要 I
Abstract II
第一章 绪论 1
1.1 塔式起重机概述 1
1.2 塔式起重机的分类 1
1.3 塔式起重机的金属结构 1
1.3.1 塔身 1
1.3.2 起重臂 1
1.3.3 塔顶 2
1.3.4 平衡臂 2
1.3.5 回转平台 2
1.4 塔式起重机的发展概况 2
1.5 本文研究解决的问题及思路 2
第二章 平衡臂介绍 3
2.1 平衡臂结构型式及其选择 3
2.1.1 平衡臂结构型式 3
2.1.2 平衡臂结构型式的选择 3
2.2 平衡重的选取 5
2.3 平衡臂上的其他构件 6
2.4 平衡臂承受的载荷 6
2.4.1 塔机所受到的载荷类型 6
2.4.2 平衡臂所受到的载荷 6
2.5 平衡臂中的连接方式 6
第三章 QTZ160型塔机平衡臂有限元分析 8
3.1 ANSYS基本介绍 8
3.1.1 ANSYS技术特点 8
3.1.2 ANSYS分析过程 8
3.2 有限元单元选择 9
3.3 定义材料属性 9
3.4 平衡臂有限元建模原则 11
3.5 平衡臂有限元模型的建立 12
3.6 QTZ160塔机平衡臂受力分析 15
3.6.1 QTZ160型塔式起重机相关参数 15
3.6.2 QTZ160型塔机平衡臂载荷计算及施加 16
3.7 QTZ160塔机平衡臂受力结果分析及校核 22
3.8经济核算 23
3.9 本章小结 24
结 语 25
参考文献 26
致 谢 27