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  With the development of modern construction industry, the construction of high buildings coming to be the main component of the modern cities construction. The tower crane is an important constructive machine and also a riper tentative lifting machine.
At the same time the tower crane is very dangerous, crane was designed by means of analogy or manual calculation and the more safe factory were considered, so that it is too difficult to reach the best unity of economy and reliability .The designers must do a great deal of complicatecalculation with lower efficiency and after they tend to make many mistake.
This graduation design makes full use of power full calculation and program with FOTTRAN77 computer language, what the users need to do is to input the primary design parameters, according to the demands of program, The optimum method is use to make design result get the economic aim doting programming for design calculation .The optimum design parameters are used to meet the requirements of strength and stability,  so that the load the load bearing capacity of material of each part is completely used to get the results with the lightest weight and the lowest cost.
I design is the 63T-M0 tower type derrick this time, it mourns the arm whole long 56 metered, is divided into seven sections three part. Include leading the organization up, changing range use little car, mourn the hook etc...It’s since the weight is in 1.3-6 tons
In all course of this practice and designing, I am badly benefited from Li Bin, and all staffs from engineering machine, Here I will show thanks to the teachers for their cares and supports .But it is hard to eliminate all errors in course of designing, due to my first general, detailing designing besides my little knowledge, rush hour scare data and insufficient experience.
Keywords: tower crane  changing range use    little car   litter crane  optimum design 


摘要    I
第一章  前言    4
第二章  塔式起重机    5
2.1塔式起重机的分类与构造    5
2.2塔式起重机的基本参数(例QTZ-200)    8
2.3 起重机械的性能参数    10
第三章 变幅小车    14
3.1 概述    14
3.2 塔机整体参数    17
3.2.1主要工作参数    17
3.2.2起重特性    17
3.3整机各部分重量及重心位置    21
第四章 起重吊钩    23
4.1零部件    23
第五章 塔机驾驶室    29
5.1塔机驾驶室基本情况    29
5.2 设计塔吊驾驶室的要求    29
5.3 塔机驾驶室连接处吊耳的校核    30
第六章 63T-M塔式起重机基础的设计    34
6.1基础几何尺寸计算:    35
6.2配筋计算:    36
6.3计算数据:    39
6.4、地脚螺栓的选用    40
6.5安全装置    43
第七章 63T-M塔吊基础计算书    48
7.1参数信息    48
7.2基础最小尺寸计算    48
7.3塔吊基础承载力计算    48
7.4地基基础承载力验算    52
7.5受冲切承载力验算    52
7.6塔吊稳定性验算    53
7.7承台配筋计算    54
结语    56
致   谢    57
参考文献    58
