此次设计的DG50对辊造粒机适用干燥粉状物料造粒,它是干法造粒的一种。对辊造粒机是由一对半径相同、转速相同、转向向相反的辊轮组成。物料被匀速、均匀的喂入轧辊中,辊轮不间断的旋转,随后被轧辊挤压压实,被辊压的物料由于间距减小范德华力增大而紧紧结合在一起,再根据轧辊上孔穴的尺寸形状形成满足要求的颗粒大小。要求该型号对辊造粒机的单机生产能力为300-350Kg/ h,24小时连续不断生产,并保证不发生闷机、堵料故障。
关键词:造粒 粉体物料 对辊造粒机 干法造粒
DG150 pelleter design
The main content of this paper is about the analysis of powder granulation method and DG150 granulator design and calculation process description.
First, the first part of the granulation from the purpose and meaning of the introduction of the particle size of particles, shape, group accumulation and other properties; the second part of the current use of the powder granulation methods used in China; Finally, the third part is the design of the DG150-type granulator design and calculation process of a detailed description.
The design of the DG50 on the roll granulator for dry powder material granulation, it is a dry granulation. The working principle is through the hopper feed, the powder material into the two rolls between the two at the same speed reverse rotation of the roller to compaction of the material, the rolling material due to the reduction of van der Waals force increased Tightly combined together, and then according to the size of the hole on the roll to form the size of the required particles to meet the requirements. The granulator requires its production capacity of 300-350Kg / h, 24 hours of continuous production, and to ensure that no stuffy machine, blocking material failure.
The design method is to obtain the diameter and width of the two rolls by checking the performance parameters of the material, and then calculate a series of structural parameters by design to further select the appropriate transmission structure: motor, V-belt, coupling, reducer, etc. The And finally check whether these standard parts meet the drive requirements.
Key words: granulation;powder material ;roll granulation ; dry granulation
DG150型造粒机的设计需要实现的目的:产量要求300-350kg/h; 物料的容积密度rv是0.98t/m3;颗粒粒径大小为8mm;产品抗压强度大于20N。要求在生产过程中不发生闷机,物料堵塞现象;选取的轧辊材料具有较高的耐磨性。

摘要 I
Abstract II
第一章 绪论 1
1.1 造粒的目的 1
1.2 造粒特性 1
1.2.1 颗粒形状 2
1.2.2 粉体的粒径 3
1.2.3 粒径的测量................................................................................................................ 3
颗粒群堆积性质 4
1.3 造粒方法分类 5
1.4 造粒方法的经济评价 5
第二章 几种常用造粒方法介绍 7
2.1 压力成型法造粒 7
2.2 喷雾和分散弥雾法造粒 8
2.3 热熔融成型法造粒 8
2.4 搅拌法造粒 9
2.5 沸腾造粒法....................................................................................................................... 10
第三章DG150型造粒机的设计计算 11
3.1 对辊造粒机的定义 11
3.2 对辊造粒机的工作原理 11
3.3 对辊造粒机主要参数的计算 13
3.3.1 对辊造粒机传动系统的拟订 13
3.3.2 轧辊直径和宽度确定...............................................................................................13
3.3.2计算轧辊的最大压力 14
3.3.3 计算造粒机的轧辊力RF 14
3.3.4 计算轧辊的转速 15
3.3.5 计算造粒机的轧辊功率 15
3.3.6 选取电动机和减速器 15
3.3.7 设计带传动 17
3.3.8 轴的设计 19
3.3.9 设计齿轮传动 21
3.3.10 轴上的周向定位 23
3.3.11 轴的强度校核 25
3.3.12 轴承较核 26
3.4 其它设计 27
结束语 28
参考文献 29
致谢 31