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关键字:粉体技术 破碎机 整粒机
ZL30 Granulator
This article is about the type ZL30 Granulator whole machine design calculations show. The first part of this paper describes the purpose of the development status and Powders split the project, the importance of powder technology for industrial production instructions. Then the second part is the introduction of powder properties, including particle size, particle shape factor, size distribution, mechanical properties of powders. The third chapter is about the type ZL30 whole machine design. Whole machine is a new proposed industrial production equipment, which is the function of a conventional crushing and screening machinery and crusher screening function together, the two processes can be linked together to reduce the demand for equipment volume, streamline production processes, thereby simplifying the process, reducing production costs. The whole machine work includes material grinding and screening job processing, so that the material can reach up to meet the needs of industrial production size. ZL30 type granulator work process is very simple, starting with the first material feed hopper into the body via the feed screw actuator having a crushing function modules, and the role of screening module, so that the material reaches a certain size and then from the discharge port. Then complete the entire workflow.
Key words: The powder body project Crusher the entire grain machine
假设原料为生料,查得物料手册可知以下数据:物料的容积密度 :1.0t/ ;填充系数 :0.25—0.3;物料特性系数k1:0.490;物料特性系数A:30;物料阻力系数 :1.2 。

目 录
摘 要 I
第一章 引言 1
1.1 粉体工程的发展和原因 1
1.1.1 粉体技术的发展 1
1.1.2 粉体研究的目的 1
第二章 粉体的性质与性能 2
2.1粉体的基本性质 2
2.1.1 粉体的粒径 3
2.1.2 粉体粒度分布 4
2.1.3 粉体的颗粒形状 5
2.1.4 粉体粒径和形状的测量方法 5
2.1.5 颗粒群的堆积性质 8
2.2 粉体力学 8
2.2.1 粉体的力学特性 8
第三章 ZL30型整粒机计算说明 10
3.1 整粒机的主要组成部分 10
3.2 圆筒筛半径的确定 10
3.3 圆筒筛的功率的计算 11
3.4 破碎部分回转刀的参数计算 11
3.5 破碎部分的功率的计算 12
3.6 螺旋直径的确定 13
3.7 螺旋轴的功率 13
3.8 齿轮传动部分效率的估算 14
3.9 所有部分功率的估算 14
3.10 轴的选择与校核 14
3.11 轴的强度校核 20
3.12 轴承的校核与定位 22
3.13 减速器与电机的选择 23
3.14 ZL30型整粒机的结构设计 24
参考文献 25
致谢 27