关键词:机构 齿轮 Matlab Pro/E
Optimization And Simulation of Common Institutions Module of Gear
This topic is about gear design on the basis of Matlab and Pro/e. Gear mechanism has compact structure, smooth transmission, high efficiency. Not only Gear mechanism can guarantee a constant transmission ratio, but can also be used to transmit motion and power between any two axes in space, so gear mechanism has also found widespread application today. MATLAB software is easy to learn, a user-friendly interface can be created. Characterized by parametric design, feature-
based modeling and single database, two-dimensional sketches, three-dimensional solid modeling and so on can be drawn through Pro / Engineer software, so the software plays an important role in the current field of 3D modeling software .
The idea about gear design on this issue is very simple.MATLAB software can be used for conventional gear design, and the input interface and the output interface is created by the function of GUI. As long as the users enter the relevant values, they can get the results and draw gear graphics. According to the analysis of the problems in the global optimization of traditional gear design, the optimal design of gear speed reducer is conducted with the mathematical model of gear transmission system established, taking the minimal volume of gear speed reducer or less center distance between the gears the objective function and selecting the gear optimization parameters.The example of optimized design of gear speed reducer is given there. Compared with the former project, it gets good optimization effect.
The topic chooses Pro/E4.0 software platform and raise the subject of three-dimensional parametric modeling of conventional gear design. According to engineering drawings of Gear reducer, all parts of gear reducer model are created for assembly and motion simulation.
Key Words: Mechanism Gear Matlab Pro/E

目 录
摘要 I
Abstract II
目 录 III
第一章 绪论 1
1.1机构学的现状与发展 1
1.1.1 机构学的概念 1
1.1.2 机构学的发展现状 1
1.1.3 机构学的发展趋势 2
1.2 MATLAB的介绍 3
1.2.1 MATLAB的基本功能 3
1.2.2 Matlab的优化工具箱 5
1.3 本课题的介绍 5
1.4 本课题的设计思路和内容安排 5
第二章 齿轮机构的常规设计 7
2.1直齿圆柱齿轮的设计 7
2.1.1问题的描述 7
2.1.2设计方法 7
2.1.3界面设计 14
2.2 斜齿圆柱齿轮设计 16
2.2.1 问题的描述 16
2.2.2 设计方法 17
2.2.3 界面设计 19
第三章 齿轮机构的优化设计 23
3.1 单级单目标齿轮优化设计 23
3.1.1 设计思路 23
3.1.2 实现方法 23
3.1.3 优化设计的数学模型 27
3.1.4 界面设计 30
3.1.5 应用举例 32
3.2 单级多目标齿轮优化设计 33
3.2.1 设计思路 33
3.2.2 设计方法 33
3.2.3 优化设计的数学模型 33
3.2.4 界面设计 35
3.2.5 应用举例 37
3.3 双级单目标齿轮优化设计 38
3.3.1 设计思路 38
3.3.2 实现方法 38
3.3.3优化设计的数学模型 43
3.3.4 界面设计 43
3.3.5 应用举例 45
3.4 齿轮常规设计与优化设计结果对比 46
3.4.1 单级齿轮常规设计与优化设计对比 46
3.4.2 多级齿轮常规设计与优化设计对比 50
第四章 齿轮减速箱三维建模及运动仿真 53
4.1 Pro/Engineer的简介 53
4.2 齿轮建模 54
4.2.1 参数输入 54
4.2.2 创建齿轮基本圆 55
4.2.3 创建渐开线 55
4.2.4 镜像渐开线 56
4.2.5 创建齿根圆 56
4.2.6 创建分度圆曲面 57
4.2.7 创建投影曲线 57
4.2.8 创建扫描混合截面 58
4.2.9 创建轮齿 59
4.3 齿轮轴建模 59
4.3.1 斜齿轮 60
4.3.2 阶梯轴 60
4.3 减速箱建模 61
4.2.1 箱体外部造型 61
4.2.2 箱体内部造型 63
4.2.3 上箱体和下箱体 64
4.3 其他零件建模图形 65
4.5 减速器装配 65
4.5.1 第一根传动轴转配 66
4.5.2 第二根轴装配 66
4.5.3 第三和第四根轴装配 67
4.5.4上箱体装配 67
4.5.5 下箱体装配 68
4.5.6 总体装配 69
4.6 齿轮减速箱运动仿真 70
4.6.1减速箱简介 70
4.6.2 运动仿真概念 70
4.6.3 减速箱PRO/E运动仿真 71
第五章 总结与展望 73
5.1总结 73
5.2展望 73
致谢 75
参考文献 76
附录一 单级齿轮常规设计 78
附录二 双级齿轮常规设计 87
附录三 单级单目标齿轮优化设计 100
附录四 单级多目标齿轮优化设计 105
附录五 双级单目标齿轮优化设计 110