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关键词:精馏塔  校核  装配图  
Distillation column device structure design
Distillation column equipment is one of the important equipments for the distillation unit operations in the chemical industry production process , and whether its performance good or bad has a significant impact on the finished product yield , quality, consumption of fixed ,and waste treatment , and other aspects of the production . There are two kinds of distillation columns , including plate column and packed column , in the former one , the plate internals as the fundamental construction member for the two components in contact . There are many types of trays , such as valve trays , jet trays, cyclone trays and other types . This topic requires to access to a large literature basis, according to GB150-2011 《pressure vessel》, GB151-1999 《shell and tube heat exchanger》 and other relevant standards to design the structure of a distillation column and complete the calculations of the weighted elements in the column. By drawing the unit structure assembly drawings, structural components and parts diagram of distillation column and using the SW6-2011 software to check the intensity of the main weighted components ( steel horizontal vessels, heat exchangers , etc. ) , the results show that each element of the distillation column complies with the requirements of national standards of distillation column in reasonable design .
Keywords : distillation column  checking  assembly drawings


摘要    I
Abstract    II
第一章 绪论    1
1.1  引言     1
    1.2  研究目的与意义..............................................................................................................1
第二章  精馏塔    3
2.1  精馏塔的定义    3
2.2  精馏塔装置结构的设计原理    3
2.3  精馏塔的结构类型    4
2.3.1 板式塔    4
2.3.2 填料塔    7
2.4  国内外精馏塔装置技术行业发展状况及趋势    8
第三章  精馏塔装置主要受压元件强度校核    9
3.1  精馏塔校核方法    9
3.1.1 软件简介    9
3.1.2 软件主要功能、特点    9
3.2  钢制卧式容器校核    10
3.3  固定管板换热器设计校核计算    16
3.4  立式容器校核    24
3.5  U形管换热器设备校核计算    27
第四章  结果与分析    31
参考文献    32
致谢      34
