CWGS 400型擦窗机伸缩臂结构三维结构设计(含PROE三维图)(任务书,论文说明书11000字,PROE三维图)
摘 要
2.对CWGS 400型擦窗机伸缩臂进行了阐述和设计;
3.参照擦窗机CWGS 400型和机械设计手册对单臂伸缩型擦窗机进行了电动机 的选择。
The three-dimensional structure of telescopic boom on the basis of CWGS type-400 window-cleaner
In this article, structural analysis which is the primary theoretical basis, and the use of PRO / E software is in order to assist the theory furtherly. The object of the paper is the main load-bearing part of gondola which is telescopic boom for daily use. Firstly, the study of telescopic is analyzed on the basis of a simple analysis of the structure by PRO/ E .Then the basis of the preliminary analysis, the use of the expertise and analytical conclusions are made for the telescopic boom structure optimization design. PRO / E software plays an important role in the analysis process.Derived theoretical parameters in the software,which is based on the established model. Parameters of this model, compared with the conventional model, the main difference is the method of building-up method . The main use of its software among the various parts of the welding module gondola, telescopic parts welded information add to the reference modeling them. Furthermore, the working conditions of gondola parameters are also analyzed in this paper, and the data collation add up a lot of mechanics calculations. On this basis,there is still a great lack of load-bearing telescopic boom, which is the actual significance of this study of telescopic boom lies in . For the calculated bearing telescopic boom drawbacks, after a preliminary analysis, that there is still much to optimize its space and room.
Calculation of this study involved mainly in the following three aspects:
1 for an overview of the gondola;
2 for telescopic of CWGS type-400 gondola elaborating and designing;
3 The reference of gondola CWGS type-400 and Mechanical Design Manual for telescopic arm of gondola were selected motor.
Keywords: BMU; telescopic boom; design calculations; Pro / e
2.1 擦窗机主要参数
额定载荷 400kg 升降速度9m/min 臂长16~24m
行走速度6m/min 变幅速度 2~3m/min 电源特性 3*380V,50HZ

目 录
CWGS 400型擦窗机伸缩臂结构三维 I
摘 要 I
Abstract II
第一章 绪 论 1
1.1 课题背景及意义 1
1.2 本课题的发展现状 1
1.2.1 擦窗机设计研究 1
1.3 日常生活中的擦窗机分类 2
1.4 本文研究内容 3
第二章 擦窗机伸缩臂的结构简介及设计 4
2.1 擦窗机主要参数 4
2.2 伸缩臂概述 4
2.3 臂架伸缩机构的驱动形式 4
2.4 臂架结构比较 4
2.5 伸缩臂结构形式确定 5
2.5.1 液压传动原理 5
2.5.2 在液压油缸变幅型式下的伸缩种类 5
2.5.3 伸缩臂的设计 8
第三章 擦窗机伸缩臂尺寸设计及计算 10
3.1 臂架伸出时状态图 10
3.2 臂架回缩时状态图 10
3.3 臂架尺寸及受力分析 10
3.4 伸缩臂形式确定 11
3.4.1 伸缩臂结构确定 11
3.4.2 伸缩臂刚度校核 13
3.5 臂架部分液压元件选型 17
3.5.1 调平油缸选型 17
第四章 基于Pro/E的擦窗机伸缩臂三维建模 18
4.1 设计平台的选择 18
4.2 伸缩臂模型的建立 18
4.2.1 轨道式伸缩臂擦窗机结构简介 18
4.2.2 伸缩臂建模与传统建模方法的区别 19
4.2.3 伸缩臂装配模型 20
4.2.4 伸缩式液压缸 22
总 结 23
参 考 文 献 24
致 谢 25