(1) 比较区间基本理论和非概率可靠性理论下的泰勒级数展开法与常规设计结果,并将其运用到工程实际。
(2) 根据压力容器设计理论,利用泰勒级数展开等方法对压力容器法兰面间的螺栓进行非概率可靠性设计,分析比较各设计计算结果,选择理想的计算方法。
关键词: 机械零件 非概率可靠性 区间理论 泰勒级数展开
Currently, the traditional design methods are still mainly used for mechanical parts. In the product design process and servie process, it is easily found that traditional design methods can not predicte the reliably of components totally. Therefore, the rational design of mechanical parts and reliability analysis is of great significance.
Owing to the characteristics of parameters, the limit information makes distribution function hardly to be obtained in the probabilistic reliability design of mechanical parts.However, probabilistic models and fuzzy models need large amounts of data to determine probability distributions or membership functions. It has been found that probabilistic reliability is sensitive to the parameters of probability models. Subtle change or error would cause a major impact on the calculation of reliability. In the absence of information, this illustrates that calculation of probabilistic reliability is not credible. Non-probabilistic reliability interval method is used to preferably figure out the problem.Based on interval theory, uncertain parameters, as mechanical parts would be described by interval model.Non-probability method is proposed for non-probabilistic reliability design of mechanical parts, which includes Taylor series expansion method optimization algorithm.According to the present result, the design result by rule is safety enough and more light mechanical parts could be designed by non-probabilistic reliability design method.
Non-probabilistic design of gear and drive shaft are presented in this thesis. The research contents are as follows:
(1) The design results by Taylor series expansion method and conventional design method are compared which are based on theory of interval and non-probabilistic reliability. These methods could be applied to practical engineering.
(2) Depending on the pressure vessel design theory, the use of Taylor series expansion method with the non-probabilistic reliability design is used for pressure vessel flange bolts, analysis and comparison of the results were made to select the desired calculation method.
(3) The Taylor series expansion method with non-probabilistic reliability design was used for reducer gears and shafts to obtain the gear and the shaft diameter. At the same time, the results of the Taylor series expansion method and the conventional design analysis are compared.
KEYWORDS Mechanical Parts; Non-probabilistic reliability; Interval theory; Taylor series expansion

摘要 I
第一章 绪论 1
1.1研究背景 1
1.2 非概率可靠性的研究现状 3
1.3 基于区间模型的非概率可靠性指标 4
1.4 基于区间模型的非概率可靠性指标计算 5
1.5论文研究的主要内容和技术路线 6
1.5.1主要研究内容 6
1.5.1关键技术及技术路线 6
第二章 减速器齿轮和轴的设计 8
2.1齿轮设计 8
2.1.1齿宽系数选取 8
2.1.2载荷系数选取 8
2.1.3按照齿根弯曲疲劳强度校核 10
2.1.4齿轮按行星轮结构校核 11
2.1.5齿轮几何尺寸的计算 12
2.2轴的设计 14
2.2.1输入轴的设计 14
2.2.2行星轮轴的设计 15
2.2.3行星架轴的设计 15
第三章 基于区间模型的计算方法 16
3.1引言 16
3.2基于区间理论的计算方法 16
3.2.1泰勒级数展开方法 16
3.3 计算实例 18
3.3.1常规设计计算结果 19
3.3.2泰勒级数展开方法计算结果 19
3.4 结果分析 20
第四章 基于区间理论的减速器齿轮和轴设计 21
4.1 引言 21
4.2齿轮传动非概率可靠性分析 21
4.3轴的非概率可靠性分析 23
4.3.1输入轴的非概率可靠性分析与设计 23
4.3.2行星轮轴的非概率可靠性分析与设计 25
4.3.3行星架轴的非概率可靠性分析与设计 26
4.4实例结果分析 28
第五章 结论与展望 29
5.1 结论 29
5.2 展望 29
参考文献 31
致谢 34