来源:56doc.com 资料编号:5D27101 资料等级:★★★★★ %E8%B5%84%E6%96%99%E7%BC%96%E5%8F%B7%EF%BC%9A5D27101
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The product packaging box is an indispensable decoration and protection device for modern commodities, and the manufacturing process of the packaging box is relatively fast and simple, but the production yield of the packaging box is defective. For the defective packaging box, it is the sale of the product. have a huge impact. Traditional manual inspection is very inconvenient for the productivity of modern products with a huge quantity. Therefore, it is necessary to design a device that can automatically identify the quality problems of packaging boxes to solve the impact of defective packaging boxes on product sales.
The drug pack friction card issuing mechanism is a technology device that can detect the completeness of the packaging box through visual defect detection. The device can detect the product well through the core design of friction card issuing. At the same time, it is now on the market. The friction card issuing equipment has more or less shortcomings, such as insufficient detection speed or instability of double sheets. For the design of the friction card issuing mechanism of the drug pack, this topic focuses on the design of a new automatic feeding mechanism, which can solve the original problem. There are a series of problems such as the equipment is easy to scratch the product and the deviation.
Keywords: packing box, medicine bag, equipment

摘要 1
目录 3
第一章 绪论 5
1.1研究的目的和意义 5
1.2国内外的发展现状 5
1.3本文主要研究内容 6
第二章 机构的设计理念 7
2.1设计参数与要求 7
2.2 设计思路 7
第三章进料机构设计 8
3.1 进料机架的设计 8
3.2 进料槽的设计 8
3.3 进料筛选机构设计 9
3.4 支撑结构的设计 9
3.5振动机架 10
第四章减速器的设计参数 11
4.1电动机的选择 11
4.2传动系统的参数设计 12
4.3计算总传动比及分配各级的传动比 12
4.4运动参数及动力参数计算 12
第五章轴的设计 13
5.1轴的设计步骤 13
5.2轴的结构设计 13
5.3按扭转强、合成强度及刚度的计算 13
5.4各轴的计算 14
5.5轴的设计与校核 18
第六章联轴器的选择 20
6.1联轴器的功用 20
6.2联轴器的类型特点 20
6.3联轴器的选用 20
6.4 联轴器的材料选择 21
6.5轴的润滑与密封 21
第七章传动部分的计算和设计 22
7.1 设计皮带和带轮 22
7.2滚子设计 25
7.3 轴的设计及校核 26
7.4 同步带和同步带轮设计 31
7.5 设计轴承 33
7.6 滚动轴承润滑与密封方式选择 34
7.7 机架设计 34
第八章检测控制部分的设计 35
8.1 检测器件的选择 35
8.2 控制部分的设计 35
第九章三维建模 36
9.1 零件建模 37
9.2 装配体命令 38
总结 39
参考文献 41
致谢 43