Sneakers are a popular commodity among contemporary young people. Shoes are not only an indispensable necessity for human beings, but have also gradually developed into a carrier for people to show their individuality and dress up. The manufacturing process of shoes is relatively complex, which is roughly divided into skeleton, sole, upper, upper and other components. The different parts are sewn or glued together to form the product.
The design of the sole gluing device is an indispensable link in the shoe processing technology. After applying glue on the sole, it is directly bonded to the shoe skeleton to form a complete shoe. The sole gluing device includes a transmission mechanism, a movement mechanism, a gluing mechanism and a fixing mechanism. The motion mechanism drives the gluing mechanism, and the transmission mechanism transmits the sole to the bottom of the gluing mechanism in a streamlined manner, and the gluing mechanism moves through three axial directions to spread the glue evenly on the sole. This integrated mechanical device can significantly improve the production efficiency of shoes. At the same time, it can reduce labor intensity and improve economic efficiency.
This design is the design of the sole gluing device. The main design contents are the layout of the overall structure, the design of each sub-component, the design of the electronic control device, the design of the gluing device and the design of important parts. The gluing device is an application in which the machine replaces the labor, and is also called automatic spraying machine, automatic glue spraying machine, glue spraying machine, etc. in the industry.
Key words: gluing; automatic gluing machine; three-axis linkage
功率: 50W~5kW 小惯量:200W
耐环境性能升级: IP67构造

摘要 1
Abstract 2
目录 3
第一章绪论 6
第二章自动涂胶装置的课题简介 7
2.1课题简介 7
2.2、设计要求 7
第三章自动涂胶装置的方案拟定 8
3.1自动涂胶装置的总体布局 8
3.1.1自动涂胶装置的组成 8
3.1.2自动涂胶装置动作循环的方案拟定 8
3.2移动装置的方案拟定 8
3.2.1产品转动的驱动方式 8
3.2.2电机的选择 8
3.2.3 电机的安装方式 11
3.3涂胶装置的方案拟定 13
3.3.1涂胶头的结构设计 13
3.3.2涂胶装置的运动方案 13
3.3.3气缸的选择 15
3.3.4点胶装置的示意图和气缸安装方式图 15
3.4压实装置方案拟定 16
第四章自动涂胶装置的设计计算 19
4.1移动装置电机的型号确定 19
4.2移动装置轴承的计算和选择 19
4.2.1计算轴向力 19
4.2.2计算当量载荷 20
4.2.3轴承寿命 20
4.3移动装置导轨的计算和选择 20
4.4移动气缸的计算和选择 21
4.4.1选定气缸缸径 21
4.4.2 选定气缸行程 22
4.4.3 选定安装形式 22
4.4.4 选定缓冲形式 22
4.4.5 磁性开关的选定 22
4.5涂胶装置水平、垂直气缸的计算和选择 22
4.5.1选定水平气缸缸径 22
4.5.2 选定气缸行程 23
4.5.3 选定安装形式 23
4.4.4 选定缓冲形式 23
4.4.5 磁性开关的选定 23
4.5.6选定垂直气缸缸径 24
4.5.7 选定气缸行程 24
4.5.8 选定安装形式 24
4.4.9 选定缓冲形式 25
4.4.10 磁性开关的选定 25
4.6.1选定垂直气缸缸径 25
4.6.2 选定气缸行程 26
4.6.3 选定安装形式 26
4.4.9 选定缓冲形式 26
4.4.10 磁性开关的选定 26
4.7气压系统的设计 27
4.7.1移动装置的气动控制 27
4.7.2点胶装置的气动控制 29
4.7.3压实装置的气动控制 32
第五章总结 34
致谢 35
参考文献 36