Crankshaft fillet rolling is made at the journal fillet material in the process of the roller of high contact stress strong deformation, in the fillet surface formed high numerical, depth of compressive residual stress, surface material shaped into what we need a specific shape so as to improve the fatigue strength of the crankshaft of a strengthening method. The clamp body part calculation German type I crankshaft rolling machine is designed in this paper, and the main contents are as follows:
(1) motion analysis of German I type crankshaft rolling machine principle, design scheme, the selection of components.
(2) according to the German machine tool design philosophy of German type I crankshaft fillet rolling machine key structure made detailed analysis and overcome the difficulties in designing the key structure.
(3) the German I oil tubing type crankshaft rolling machine of the layout design. (4) stress analysis and material check clamp part of the German I type crankshaft rolling machine.
(5) to analyze the motion process of each component, verify the feasibility of our design, and optimize it, verify the design is in line with the requirements. The paper mainly explains and illustrate the design of the German type I crankshaft fillet rolling machine and practical methods, in the design process of crankshaft fillet rolling clamp body to enable students to do a more concrete and deep understanding and grasp of the use in the disciplines of industrial design, mechanical principles, mechanical design, mechanics of materials, hydraulic transmission. The research of this paper can provide some ideas for the innovation and development of the crankshaft rolling machine in China.
key word:Crankshaft fillet rolling, clamp body, structure design, stress analysis
1、 主、连杆颈最大加工直径:φ130mm。
2、 主、连杆颈滚压加工钳体最小宽度:30mm,适合所有曲轴的滚压加工。
3、 曲轴最大加工长度:1300mm。
4、 主轴径中心截面至连杆径中心截面最小间距:52mm 。
5、 最大曲柄半径:80mm.
6、 滚压夹钳口夹力:0——5000kg;无级可调。
第一章引言 1
1.1曲轴概述 1
1.1.1曲轴材料的优化和选取 1
1.1.2曲轴疲劳断裂的原因 3
1.1.3曲轴圆角滚压形变工艺分析 4
1.2研究现状 5
1.3设计目的 6
1.4 建模及模型形成流程图 6
第二章整体方案设计 8
2.1机构设计要求分析 8
2.1.1机床生产指标 8
2.1.2整体机构重难点 8
2.2钳体机构运动方案 9
2.3 各部件选型设计 10
2.3.1各部分尺寸预选 10
2.3.2各部分材料预选 11
2.3.3液压部件选型 11
2.3.4关键结构设计 12
2.3.5 油管油路设计 14
第三章建模过程 15
3.1三维建模 15
3.2二维建模 16
第四章受力分析 17
4.1危险截面分析 17
4.2强度校核 17
结论 19
参考文献 20
致谢 22