摘 要
关键词:两轮移动机器人 非系统误差 卡尔曼 组合导航
As a kind of intrinsicly instable wheeled mobile robot, two-wheeled self-balanced robot (TSR) has multi-variable, non-linear, strong coupling and parameter uncertainty characteristics which make it to be an imagine platform to verify many kinds of control algorithms. TSR has flexible movement and simple structure, suitable for small space, so it has a broad prospect. TSR could perform complicate motion and manipulation tasks which the multi-wheeled robot could not do, and it is very adaptable to the great-change environment or complicated tasks. The research on the TSR system has the important theory and practical significance to heighten the research level and expand the application backgrounds.
Because robot’s structure has important effect on the self-balanced and motion control, an even-distributed molar and fixed centroidal TSR was proposed, which has flexible movement and strong anti-jamming. Those criterions make the TSR’s design rational and practical. Through kinematics analysis of TSR, The PID controller was designed by PID algorithm. The dynamic self-balanced is realized and the anti-jamming performance is increased. Simulation results verify that the algorithm has advantages in self-balancing, anti-jamming and adjusting time.
For decreasing error of position and attitude estimation from inertial sensors and improving positioning accuracy, error mechanism and drift characteristic were analyzed, this paper proposed two-graded decentralized isomeric Kalman Filter algorithm. It realizes integrated navigation of TSR, improves navigation’s performance, and compensates for the inertial sensor error. Thus, an optimal estimation for position and attitude is achieved. Experimental results demonstrate that the method is effective and feasible.
Key Words:two-wheeled self-balanced robot; unsystematic error; Kalman; integrated navigation; real-time motion identification

摘 要 I
第一章 绪论 1
1.1前言 1
1.2课题背景 3
1.3研究价值 4
1.4发展历史与研究现状 5
1.4.1两轮自平衡机器人国外研究情况 5
1.4.2两轮自平衡机器人国内研究情况 8
1.5本文主要研究内容 9
第二章 系统总体设计 11
2.1 两轮移动机器人(5kg负载)系统总体设计 11
2.2机械系统设计 12
2.3控制系统设计 12
2.3.1控制器的选型 13
2.3.2驱动机构控制电路设计 14
2.3.3串口通讯电路设计 16
2.3.4传感器电路设计 17
2.4驱动系统的设计 22
2.4.1电机的选型 22
2.4.2 电机的转速控制 22
第三章 机器人的建模 25
3.1两轮移动机器人的建模 25
3.2使用牛顿力学的方法进行数学建模 25
3.3对车轮建立模型 25
3.4 对车身建立模型 27
3.5机器人模型 29
第四章 数据处理与实验 33
4.1引言 33
4.2.卡尔曼滤波理论 34
4.2.1滤波器的计算原型 35
4.2.2 滤波器的概率原型解释 37
4.2.3 离散卡尔曼滤波器算法 37
4.2.4 滤波器系数及调整 39
4.3 数据融合实验 40
第五章 小结 42
参考文献 43
致谢 47