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一般概括的说,音乐治疗是通过音乐反应对诸如生理缺陷、精神紊乱或情绪紊乱患者的生理和心理健康状况的评估, 是利用音乐刺激和音乐体验的各种形式,设计、策划和选择多方法治疗方案实现对患者的帮助和干预, 包括治疗、调节、教育和训练等方式的综合性过程,是一门音乐与人本精神和生命科学相融合的新医疗技术,但是本文只是音乐治疗对住院慢性精神分裂症患者康复的应用效果但是无能如何,音乐治疗作为一种新兴的治疗方式,还是具有很高的推广价值和应用价值的。


Generally speaking, music therapy is the response to music such as physical disability, mental disorder or emotional disorder patients' physical and mental health assessment, is various forms of the use of music and music to stimulate experience, design, planning and selection of treatment scheme for help and intervention of patients, including comprehensive the process of treatment, regulation, education and training mode, is a new technology combining music and the spirit of medical and Life Sciences, but this is only the application effect of music therapy on the rehabilitation of hospitalized patients with chronic schizophrenia but how incompetent, music therapy as a new treatment method, it still has the very high the value of popularization and application value.

Key words: music therapy; chronic mental disease; rehabilitation; effect

目 录
一、绪论    4
试验研究    5
1.对象与方法      5
1.2方法      5
2. 结果      6
3.讨论    6
三、音乐疗法在慢性精神分裂症中的作用      8
结论    9
致 谢    10
参考文献    11
