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摘 要:为分离具有高效降解纤维素能力的菌株,以湖南宁乡的土壤为菌株来源,使用选择性培养基通过判断透明圈大小方法筛选得到8株能降解纤维素的菌株,经复筛选得到降解纤维素活性最高的霉菌菌株A1-11D ,它能在以纤维素为唯一碳源的培养基中生长良好。 本文对该菌株进行了分离,并分析了其菌落形态和菌丝结构。
Separation and IdentificatIion of Cellulose Degradation Bacteria In Tobacco Soil
Abstract: For separating strains with high capability to degrade cellulose, soil from Ningxiang County in Hunan Province, which contains the deadwood fallen leaf's richly as the strain,used as the samples for degrading bacteria screening with selective medium by judging the clear zone size method to screen,eight strains which can degrade cellulose were obtained;from them, the mold strain A1-11D was obtained after duplicate screening which activity of degeneration cellulose is the highest,it can grow well by taking the cellulose as the only carbon source in the culture medium. The separation to this strain was carried on, and its colonial morphology and the hypha structure were also cleared in this article.
Key words: Soils; Cellulose degrading bacteria; Screening; Identification.

目 录
摘要 1
关键词 1
1 前言 1
2 材料和方法 3
2.1 试验材料 3
2.1.1 菌源土壤 3
2.1.2 药品和器材 3
2.1.3 培养基的制备 3
2.1.4 主要仪器设备 4
2.2 材料和方法 4
2.2.1 纤维素降解菌的筛选 4
2.2.2菌株的初步鉴定 4
3 结果与分析 4
3.1 纤维素降解菌的筛选 5
3.2 纤维素降解菌A1-11D的初步鉴定 5
3.2.1 菌株A1-11D的菌落形态特征 5
3.2.2 菌株A1-11D的个体形态特征 6
4结论 6
5展望 6
参考文献 7
致谢 10