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[摘要] 梅鱼是一种海洋低值的鱼类,是浙江海洋捕捞的主要鱼类之一。其蛋白质的含量非常丰富,但是其蛋白质的利用价值并未得到充分利用和开发。希望通过研究能更好的了解梅鱼蛋白质的抗氧化性,使其充分被利用,提高其产品的价值。本实验主要以小梅鱼为原料,通过模拟在人体环境,得到的水解产物,通过多种分离的手段对酶解的产物进行分离纯化,对她的抗氧化性进行了一系列的研究。试验中对梅鱼多肽的抗氧化性进行了体外的研究,其结果表明,多肽对DPPH有明显的清楚作用,并表现除了良好的量较关系。烷基自由基氧化的体系中,MDA半数一直浓度为9.8mg/ml。脂质过氧化体系中,多肽对亚油酸氧化有明显的抑制作用。羟基自由基和超氧阴离子氧化体系中,显负清除作用。

Study on Resistance to Oxidation of The Enzymatic Hydrolysate of Small Miscellaneous Fish

[Abstract] Small Miscellaneous Fish is a Marine low-value fish, it is one of the main fish of zhejiang and fujian Marine fishing. Its protein content is very rich, but its protein utilization value has not been making full use of and development. Hope that through research to better understand Small Miscellaneous Fish protein oxidation resistance, make it be used fully, improve the value of its products.This experiment mainly Small Miscellaneous Fish as raw material, through simulation in the human body environment, the hydrolysis product, through a variety of separation means of enzymatic hydrolysis product separation and purification, the oxidation resistance of her a series of research.Experiments of oxidation resistance of Small Miscellaneous Fish polypeptide in vitro studies, the results showed that peptides has obvious clear effect to DPPH, and in addition to the amount of good relations. Half alkyl free radical oxidation system, MDA concentration is 9.8 mg/ml. Lipid peroxide system, polypeptide of linoleic acid oxidation has obvious inhibitory effect. Hydroxyl and superoxide anion in the oxidation system, show negative removal effect.
[Keywords] Small Miscellaneous Fish; Resistance to Oxidation; hydroxy radical; Superoxide anion

[摘要]    2
1    前言    5
1.1    低值鱼研究意义    5
1.2    肽的概述    5
1.2.1    生物活性肽简介    5
1.2.2    生物活性肽的吸收机制    5
1.2.3    生物活性肽作用概述    6
1.3    自由基概述    6
2    实验材料、试剂、与器材    7
2.1    原料    7
2.2    试剂    7
2.3    主要仪器    7
3    实验方法    8
3.1中性蛋白酶的配置    8
3.2 羟自由基清除率的测定    8
3.3超氧阴离子自由基清除活性的测定    8
3.4 DPPH自由基清除活性的测定    8
3.5 氨基氮的测定    9
4    实验结果    9
4.1    中性梅鱼蛋白酶解曲线结果    9
4.2    单因素的实验结果    10
4.2.1    羟自由基的清除作用    10
4.2.2    对DPPH体系中的自由基清除作用    11
4.2.3    超氧阴离子自由基清除活性的测定    11
5    实验结论    12
参考文献    14
致谢    15
