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摘 要:本文对盐渍藠头副产物的回收与利用问题进行了探讨。探究盐渍藠头废弃物高效低成本脱盐的条件,将藠头、腌制好的剁辣椒及水以一定的配料比打浆,通过感官评价得出最适配料比;分别添加不同种类的天然葱属类增香酶制剂提高产品的风味及营养成分,通过测定,再比较。研究表明:高效低成本脱盐最适条件为以料液比1:2,常温浸泡1h或以常温流水冲洗30min可以获得咸味适中的产品;辣椒、藠头、水的配料比为1:1.2:0.6时,稠度适中,气味协调;添加了1%蒜汁增香酶制剂的产品蒜素含量最高,藠香浓厚。
Study on the technique of making shallot flavoring with wastes of pickled Allium chinense
Abstract: This paper is discussed about the question of recycling and utilizing Allium by-products. To explore the best conditions of desalting in high efficiency, low cost of salinized Allium by-products, and to use Chili, Allium chinense, water on different proportion to beat and break ,then throug the sense evaluation of products to get the moderate viscosity. Through adding different kind of natural allium zymin to improve the content of allicin and to increase flavor and nutrition,then to determinate and to compare the products. Research shows that the optimal conditions of High efficiency, low cost for desalting is material liquid on the proportion of 1:2, under normal temperature soaking one hour or using water to wash half an hour. Chili, Allium chinense, water on proportion of 1:1. 2:0.6 can get the product of moderate viscosity, coordinate smells and through adding natural enzyme of 1% allicin can get a product with the highest content of Allicin .
Key words: Pickled allium chinense;Recycling and Utilizing;Flavoring condiment;Allicin
