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摘 要:以油茶籽粕为原料,通过有机溶剂进行提取,将抽出物配制成一定比例的溶液后与抗菌性的洗手液对细菌、真菌的抗菌性进行比较,以此来测定抽出物具有抗菌性以及抗菌性的强弱。抗菌试验表明,此抽出物对革兰氏阴性菌具有一定的抑制效果,对啤酒酵母的生长有显著的抑制作用,对于某些霉菌的抑制效果却不是很明显。通过此试验,可以进一步提高对油茶资源的利用,有望将抽出物中的活性抗菌物质开发成新的产品,以提高油茶后续利用的经济价值和社会效益。
The study of antibacterial property extracts from oil camellia cake
Abstract: To oil camellia cake as raw material and by organic solvents to soak it, you will find a mixture of proportion to the extracts and antimicrobial of hand sanitizer with fungi, bacteria, mold antimicrobial properties is determination to draw with antimicrobial and antimicrobial the strength of mind. Contain bacteria experiment suggests that this extraction get to the gram-negative bacterium of the effect of inflation, the population growth there are significant inhibition on saccharomyces cerevisia,on some mold the disincentive effect is not obvious.Through this study,it can further improve the utilization of resources to sasanqua and is expected to be pulled out of the activity material ,which may development to a new product to increase subsequent use of sasanqua in subsequent economic and social consequences.
Key words:oil-tea-cake;xtraction;ntibacterial properties;ontrast
