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摘 要:本文以芝麻粕为原料,利用多种蛋白酶对芝麻蛋白进行水解,最后选择碱性蛋白酶、中性蛋白酶以及木瓜蛋白酶三种蛋白酶进行复合酶解。在固定料液比为1:5和加酶顺序为碱性→中性→木瓜的条件下,得出酶解的最佳工艺参数为:碱性蛋白酶的加酶量为0.5%,pH为9.5,温度50℃,酶解时间为2h;中性蛋白酶的加酶量为0.6%,pH为7.5,温度35℃,酶解时间为3h;木瓜蛋白酶的加酶量为1.5%,pH为6.5,温度50℃,酶解时间为3h。酶解后,总氮回收率达到63.14%,三氯乙酸可溶性氮指数可达55.11%,多肽转换率可达48.99%。
Preparation of Polypeptides from Sesame Meal by Enzymatic Hydrolysis
Abstract: The sesame meal as raw material, using a variety of protease hydrolysis the sesame proteins. Pick out the alkaline protease, neutral protease and papain complexed to digestion. At a fixed conditions is that liquid ratio was 1:5 and enzyme order was alkaline →neutral→ papaya. The optimal parameter is that: The enzyme dosage of alkaline protease was 0.5%, pH 9.5 , Temperature 50 ℃, Hydrolysis time 2h. The enzyme dosage of neutral protease was 0.6%, pH 7.5, Temperature 35 ℃, Hhydrolysis time 3h. The enzyme amount of papain was 1.5%, pH 6.5, Temperature 50 ℃, Hydrolysis time 3h. After hydrolysised, the recovery rate of total nitrogen is up to 63.14%, the index of TCA soluble nitrogen is up to 55.11%, the conversion rate peptides is up to 48.99%..
Key words: Protamex protease; Collagen; Hydrolysis; Amino nitrogen;
