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Isolation heat resistance microbial from pure preseved beancurd and evalution of its safty
Abstract: Based on the 12 kinds of Sufu from the market, the product quantity of bacteria, heat-resistant bacteria, at the same time, the detection of suspicious microbes MYP medium by testing. Results were showed as following: the total sample microorganisms7.9×105cfu•g-1, heat-resistant bacillus detection rate of 67.31%, Suspicious bacteria in 12 samples of the 2 samples are detected, relevance ratio16.7%. Through the analysis of heat-resistant microbial components, improve health conditions and improved since the production process, make produce more high quality, safe fermented bean curd products. Also on traditional food fermentation has guiding significance for improvement.
Key word : Sufu,Heat-resistant bacteria,MYP selective media,Safety;
