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摘 要:本文介绍了罗维朋比色法、分光光度计法、冷冻法以及油脂酸价、碘值等对掺入不同比例的大豆油的芝麻油进行的测定试验,通过试验得出一定条件下鉴别掺假芝麻油的方法及数据,从而为芝麻油安全的有效监督提供技术依据和指导。通过分析,得出结论:罗维朋法和冷冻法操作相对简单,但人为因素对试验结果影响较大;分光光度计法由于显色剂的不稳定性而导致误差较大;酸价及碘价的测定方法操作简单,准确性高,可以作为较好的定量测定芝麻油的纯度的方法。
关键字:芝麻油; 大豆油; 掺伪检验
Adulteration analysis of sesame oil with soybean oil
Abstract: In this paper, four methods of Lovibond Tintometer,Spectrophotometry,freeze and two important values of acid and iodine which can be determine the different proportion of soybean in the pure sesame oil were studied.According to the experiment , one can analyse and conclude the means and relative data under relevant circumstance to distinguish the pure and adulterated sesame oil, so as to provide technical reference and guidance for sesame safety’s effective supervise. According to the analysis, we can get a conclusion as follow: the operation of Lovibond Tintometer and refrigeration is relatively simple, but the anthropogenic factor has an major effect on the experiment consequence; Owing to the instability of the color reagent, the experiment consequence of Spectrophotometry cause biggish error; The operation of the acid value of oil and the value of iodine is relatively simple and accurate, it can be used as quantitative determination of the purity to the sesame oil quantitative determination。
Key words: sesame oil;soybean;adulteration detection
