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电力系统Electric power system

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电力系统Electric power system(中文5200字,英文3500字)
1 电力的技术特点

Electric power system
1 Technical Characteristics of Electric Power
    The electric power has unique technical characteristics which give the power industry certain unique characteristics.
1    Intangibility. The customer cannot directly detect a kilowatt-hour with any of his physical senses.
2    Quality. The quality of service can be measured by service continuity or reliability, uniformity of voltage at the proper level, proper and uniform frequency of the alternating voltage.
3    Product storage. Unlike most businesses, the electric power utility must create its product simultaneously with its use because there is no storage of electricity.
4    Responsibility for power service. Because the utility delivers its product to the customer’s premises it must assume responsibility for the safe and reliable delivery of its product.
5    Public Safety. The utility must provide reasonably adequate protection for the public and its own skilled workers.
2 Power System Planning
