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来源:56doc.com  资料编号:5D26506 资料等级:★★★★★ %E8%B5%84%E6%96%99%E7%BC%96%E5%8F%B7%EF%BC%9A5D26506
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摘  要
关键词:IntelliJ IDEA开发工具;java编程语言;MySQL数据库;学生宿舍管理

Design and Implementation of Student Residence Management System Based on Vue Technology
Due to the expansion of enrollment in ordinary colleges and universities in China, the number of college students and student dormitories is increasing day by day, leading to a series of problems such as students' living conditions. In order to find a good way of student dormitory management, it has also been mentioned on the agenda.Student dormitory management is also a crucial part in the life management of college students. The quality of student dormitory management reflects the level of student management in a university, and will also directly affect all aspects of students' life.In view of the current colleges and universities, the student dormitory management work involves a lot of information, if the manual recording method, it will cost managers a lot of time and energy, and it is also easy to appear information errors, information omissions and other problems.The use of information management system can not only ensure the accuracy of data, but also count all the information. Taking use of the above advantages can greatly improve the efficiency of student apartment management. This paper adopts Vue + SSM + MySql technology, which follows the idea of modern software engineering. This paper introduces five aspects: system need analysis, system scheme design, database design, system implementation and system detection.The system is based on Java programming language, and introduced the B / S architecture, using the free, small, simple MySql for the database system item loss, Tomcat as the Web item loss, and successfully debugging and run.The system is mainly for four user groups: dormitory administrators, dormitory administrators, counselors and students, realizing the dormitory administrator management function, student management function, counselor management function and administrator management function. System of reliable working environment, stable performance, good user interface design, convenient to use, greatly improve the effectiveness of student dormitory management and the accuracy of information management.
Keywords:IntelliJ IDEA development tool; java programming language; MySQL database; student dormitory management


目  录
摘  要    IV
1绪论    1
1.1研究背景    1
1.2国内外的研究现状    1
1.3课题的基本内容    1
2 系统分析与主要技术    2
2.1 Vue技术    2
2.2 MySQL数据库    2
2.3需求分析    3
2.4软件需求分析    3
2.5数据流程分析    5
2.5.1 登录处理流程    5
2.5.2 增添数据流程    6
2.5.3 修改数据流程    6
2.5.4 数据删除流程    7
2.6 可行性研究    8
2.6.1 经济可行性    8
2.6.2 技术可行性    8
2.6.3 运行可行性    9
2.6.4 时间可行性    9
2.6.5 法律可行性    9
3 数据库设计    10
3.1 概念设计    10
3.2表设计    11
4 系统设计    20
4.1系统网络架构设计    20
4.2 系统结构设计    20
4.3 功能模块设计    21
5 系统实现与程序测试分析    23
5.1 系统实现    23
5.1.1通知公告管理的实现    23
5.1.2迁入迁出管理的实现    23
5.1.3水电费信息管理的实现    24
5.1.4水电费提醒管理的实现    24
5.1.5报修信息管理的实现    25
5.1.6物品遗失管理的实现    26
5.2 程序测试    26
5.1 运行环境说明    27
5.2 系统的维护    27
5.3 系统功能测试    28
5.4 测试结果    28
6总结与展望    29
参考文献    30
致  谢    31
