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来源:56doc.com  资料编号:5D21280 资料等级:★★★★★ %E8%B5%84%E6%96%99%E7%BC%96%E5%8F%B7%EF%BC%9A5D21280
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摘  要

With the increase of urban population and the popularization of private cars, the problem of urban road traffic congestion is becoming more and more serious, and too much vehicle travel has also increased the problem of exhaust pollution. To this end, local governments are vigorously developing urban public transport, to promote the bus travel. It can be seen that the bus will play an important role in the future urban transport network, and the bus station system is an important part of the public transport system.
Based on the needs of research and the development of LED display at home and abroad, this paper puts forward a design of bus station system based on LED dot matrix screen. The system is controlled by the single chip computer, mainly includes the LED display module, the voice broadcast module and the key scanning module. LED display by default display ads, when you reach a station, the driver can select the station name by pressing the LED display for text display, while the MP3 player for voice newspaper station.
The results show that the system has a certain value, to ensure the accuracy of the newspaper, improve the efficiency of public transport system, urban public transport for the intelligent development of a certain contribution.

Key Words:single chip;LED display;voice playback


第1章 绪论    1
1.1 研究背景及意义    1
1.2 国内外研究现状    1
1.3 论文主要内容    2
第2章 系统整体方案设计    3
2.1 LED显示屏的选用    3
2.1.1 LED显示屏的分类    3
2.1.2 LED点阵屏的结构    3
2.1.3 LED显示屏的选择    4
2.2 控制器的比较及选型    5
2.2.1 常见的单片机型号    5
2.2.2 单片机的选择    5
2.3 报站控制方式的选择    5
2.3.1 常见的几种报站方式    5
2.3.2 控制方式的选择    6
2.4 语音模块的选择    6
2.5 系统总体框图    6
第3章 系统硬件部分设计    8
3.1 单片机最小系统    8
3.2 LED显示模块    8
3.2.1 LED显示屏的工作原理    8
3.2.2 显示数据传输方案    9
3.2.3 总体结构设计    10
3.2.4 行驱动电路    10
3.2.5 列驱动电路    12
3.3 语音播放模块    14
3.3.1 模块简介    14
3.3.2 模块参数    14
3.3.3 触发模式    15
3.4 按键扫描模块    15
3.4.1 按键的确认    15
3.4.2 重键与连击的处理    16
3.4.3 按键防抖动技术    16
3.4.4 矩阵键盘接口电路    16
第4章 系统软件部分设计    17
4.1 主程序流程图    17
4.2 文字显示部分    18
4.3 语音播放部分    21
4.4 按键扫描部分    22
第5章 系统调试与实现    25
5.1 系统的调试    25
5.2 问题分析    26
5.3 实现结果    27
第6章 总结与展望    30
6.1 总结    30
6.2 展望    30
参考文献    32
附录 总电路图    33
致    谢    34
