Firstly, by analyzing the structure and function of the existing telescopic forklifttruck, this design analogizes a telescopic forklift truck, and designs a telescopic arm of logistics forklift truck. Then the force analysis and stress checking of the telescopic arm are carried out to verify the rationality of the design. Then, in Pro/E5.0 software, the telescopic arm is modeled, the finite element analysis of each arm is carried out, the stress magnitude and distribution of each arm are analyzed, and the structure of the telescopic arm is optimized. Finally, the motion of the telescopic arm is simulated, the motion of the telescopic arm is analyzed, and the motion of the telescopic arm is checked. This design is mainly aimed at small electric logistics forklift truck,designed its boom system, and finally combined with the design of other students in the group, completed the design of the whole small electric logistics forklift truck.
In this paper, a three-section telescopic boom with a full-extension state of 10m, a full-shrinkage state of 4.5m and a thickness of 6mm is designed. After stress analysis, stress checking, finite element analysis and structural improvement, the final results show that the design is qualified and can meet the design requirements.
Key Words:telescopic jib;design and calculation;3D modeling;finite element analysismotion simulation.

第1章绪论 1
1.1 伸缩臂物流叉装车 1
1.2 伸缩臂叉车国内外现状分析 1
1.3 伸缩臂叉车未来趋势 2
1.4 课题研究内容与预期目标 3
第2章小型电动叉装车伸缩臂设计 5
2.1 伸缩臂长度设计 5
2.2 伸缩臂截面设计 6
2.3 伸缩臂主要零部件设计 7
2.4伸缩臂质量计算 8
第3章.伸缩臂受力分析与校核 10
3.1 伸缩臂受力分析 10
3.2 伸缩臂弯曲应力校核 11
3.2.1 主臂截面:截面外六边形相关计算 11
3.2.2 二级臂截面:截面外六边形相关计算 12
3.2.3 一级臂截面:截面外六边形相关计算 12
3.2.4 伸缩臂许用应力 12
3.2.5 危险截面弯曲正应力 13
3.2.6 伸缩臂在全缩状态的受力分析 13
第4章伸缩臂建模与有限元分析 14
4.1 Pro/E介绍 14
4.2 构建伸缩臂模型 14
4.3 伸缩臂模型有限元分析 18
4.3.1 有限元分析 18
4.3.2 伸缩臂有限元分析 18
4.3.3 改进和再分析 21
第5章伸缩臂运动仿真 26
5.1 运动仿真 26
5.2 伸缩臂运动仿真 26
5.2.1 Pro/E运动仿真 26
5.2.2 伸缩臂运动仿真步骤与结果 26
第6章结论与展望 31
6.1 结论 31
6.2 展望 31
参考文献 33
致谢 34