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Analysis of the spread of social hot events in social networks.
——A Case of Sino-US trade war
Abstract:To study the characteristics and laws of information dissemination in the Internet environment, in order to improve the communication efficiency, information dissemination quality, and realize the application of public opinion control and soon.This paper takes the "Sino-US trade war" as an example.The social network analysis method is used to study the information transmission characteristics of economic hot topic in the weibo network and explore the key users of microblog information.The paper uses visualization software Gephi to generate public opinion cloud map,researches the point centrality,betweeness centrality, closeness centrality in order todescribe the characteristics of transmission.The propagation structure is described from the scale, the arrival rate, the depth, the breadth and the node propagation rate.The results show that there are key nodes in the transmission of economic hot topics.To some extent, They can guide the public opinion development direction. Grasp the characteristicsof official and unofficialforwarding and strengthen supervision and management.
Key words:weibo;hot topic of economy;social network analysis
1绪论 1
1.1研究背景 1
1.2研究意义 2
1.3研究框架 2
2国内外文献综述 4
2.1国外研究综述 4
2.2国内研究综述 4
3相关理论 6
3.1社会网络分析 6
3.2中心性指标 6
3.2.1点度中心度 6
3.2.2介数中心度 7
3.2.3亲密中心度 7
3.3传播结构指标 7
3.3.1传播规模和到达率 7
3.3.2传播深度和广度 8
3.3.3节点传播率 8
4数据处理 8
4.1数据选取 8
4.2数据整理 9
5传播特征分析 10
5.1舆情演进分析 10
5.2整体舆情分析 12
5.3网络直径 14
5.4中心性分析 15
5.4.1点度中心度 15
5.4.2介数中心度 18
5.4.3亲密中心度 20
6传播结构分析 21
6.1全局结构特性分析 21
6.2个体结构特性分析 21
7总结 23
7.1结果分析 23
7.2现实意义 24
7.3研究局限 24
参考文献 24
致谢 27 |