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关键词:互联网金融  传统金融  创新  对策

Abstract: With the advancement of technology, all aspects of society are undergoing tremendous change, the financial industry is no exception. Especially in today's Internet era of flourishing financial sector appeared a new branch, and that is the Internet banking. The rise of Internet banking and financial sector development will bring a traditional kind of impact and influence it? How should the financial sector to deal with this situation it happen? Article some theoretical knowledge of Internet banking as a starting point, and then step by step to analyze the financial impact of the Internet be caused by the traditional financial sector. Finally, some constructive comments from the perspective of commercial banks according to their views on today's Internet banking .
Keywords: Internet Financial   traditional financial  innovation  strategies

目           录
摘要:    1
引言    1
1  互联网金融发展情况    1
1.1  互联网金融的定义    1
1.2  国内互联网金融体系的组成以及业务发展情况    2
2  互联网金融发展和传统金融的相互影响以及产生的矛盾和问题    3
2.1  互联网金融发展的模式    3
2.2  传统金融业转型情况    3
2.2.1  传统金融业的资金运作方式发生变化    4
2.2.2 传统金融业的包容性在不断的加强    4
2.3  互联网金融抢占传统金融业务的利与弊分析    4
2.4  传统金融业满足不了现今社会发展的需要    6
3  互联网金融发展过程中存在问题的原因分析    7
3.1  互联网在全球普及速度过快    7
3.2 与传统金融业的业务与社会发展进程不协调    7
3.3  缺乏良好的政策支持和金融环境    8
4  加快传统金融业创新的建议和互联网金融发展的导向    9
4.1 传统金融行业应对互联网金融所采取的对策    9
4.1.1  把创新观念作为加快传统金融业的第一步    9
4.1.2  在现存资源的前提条件之下对传统金融的体系进行一定的转变    9
4.2  重视、规范和引导互联网金融的健康、和谐地发展    10
参考文献:    11
致  谢    11
