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随着社会的不断发展,人们对现代幼儿教师外在形象的关注越来越高。教育部2001 年颁布的《幼儿园教师专业标准(试行)》和2008 年颁布的《教师职业道德规范》都对幼儿教师的外在形象提出了一定的要求。那么幼儿教师的外在形象应该是什么样的?幼儿教师的外在形象对幼儿成长有哪些重要的意义?文章对幼儿教师的外在形象进行了研究综述,旨在为当代幼儿教师的外在形象提供指导,以提升家长对幼儿教师的认可度和满意度。

The summary of the study on the external image of Preschool Teachers
     With the continuous development of society, people pay more and more attention to the external image of modern preschool teachers. In 2001 the Ministry of Education issued the kindergarten teachers' professional standards (for Trial Implementation) "and in 2008 issued the code of professional ethics for teachers" are for kindergarten teachers' image of the instrument put forward certain requirements. Then the external image of the kindergarten teacher should be what kind of? What are the important significance of the external image of the preschool teachers' growth? This article studies the external image of the kindergarten teachers, and aims to provide guidance for the external image of the contemporary preschool teachers, in order to promote the recognition and satisfaction of the parents.
 [keyword]: Kindergarten teacher;External image;Research Summary;

目   录
摘要    I
Abstract    II
一、概述    1
1.1研究综述    1
1.2国外研究现状    2
二、研究的问题    2
2.1目前存在的问题    2
2.2研究的价值    3
2.3研究影响的因素    3
三、对策研究    4
3.1注意仪表,塑造形象    4
3.2谈吐文雅,举止得当    4
3.3提升精神面貌    4
四、未来展望    5
4.1加强幼儿教师外在形象的定量研究    5
4.2加强与幼儿家长的交流    5
参考文献    6
致    谢    7
