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【Abstract】Basic training in ballet is a indispensable link of practitioners, it plays an important role in the course of dance performance. Ballet on the application of practitioners can enhance their flexibility and degrees of health, liberated dancers limbs. In the show's dance works at the same time, the flexibility to use their body dancer, can let you gently jump, with a beautiful gesture and action to express their ideas, then it will give the audience the impression is profound and unforgettable.
【keyword】basic training; ballet; body ;function

引言    3
一、 芭蕾的发展过程    3
二、芭蕾舞的基础训练    3
(一)开的培训    3
(二)是绷的训练    4
(三)直的培训    4
(四)立的训练    4
三、 芭蕾的基础训练对人四肢的要求    4
(一) 腿的训练    4
(二)躯干的训练    4
(三)头的训练    5
(四)手臂的训练    5
四、 芭蕾基础训练对于芭蕾舞蹈演员的重要性    5
(一)芭蕾舞的基础离不开躯体的训练    5
(二)芭蕾舞蹈演员的基本能力的重要性    5
(三)训练时候的感觉    6
五、 结语    7
参考文献    7
