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Twenty-first Century is the main direction of the development of information technology. Under the requirements of the new curriculum reform, the combination of information technology and high school geography teaching has become an inevitable requirement for the development and reform of geography classroom. In the information technology into geography teaching in senior high school, senior high school students of geography knowledge will become more specific, classroom content will become more substantial, for this reform to promote the high school geography classroom education mode innovation and have a great effect, can promote students to master and apply the knowledge of geography to cultivate students' ability, good ability of abstract thinking at present, how to improve the teaching efficiency through the integration of information technology and the geography curriculum, is an urgent need to solve the problem.
Based on the above background, this paper adopts the method of questionnaire to review the application of information technology in high school geography teaching. In view of those problems, this paper also puts forward relevant solving strategies combined with senior high school geography curriculum content, combined with the use of information technology in high school geography teaching in the case analysis, proved that the application effect of the proposed ideas and present the teaching mode.
This paper mainly through the research process, and analysis of geographic information technology in the teaching application of the current situation, the problems existing in the teaching of geography course analysis and deal with the information technology and geography teaching integration solutions to the problems of the four specific analysis of current information technology in high school geography teaching application, and puts forward solutions their own problems, hope for an early realization of integration of information technology and geography courses.
Key words: information technology; geography teaching; present situation analysis; strategy

一、调研过程与分析    - 1 -
(一)调查问卷的设计    - 1 -
(二)调查结果的分析和思考    - 1 -
二、地理信息技术在教学中的应用现状    - 1 -
三、信息技术在高中地理教学中的应用探索    - 2 -
(一)构建区域地理教育资源的共享平台    - 2 -
(二)多媒体地理教具与传统地理教具有机结合    - 2 -
(三)现阶段地理教师人才队伍信息技术素养教育    - 3 -
1.在职地理教师信息技能培训    - 3 -
2.地理师范生信息技术素质培养    - 3 -
3.地理科研人才的信息技术素质培养    - 3 -
四、当前地理课程教学存在的问题分折    - 4 -
(一)学校的硬件设施建设发展不平衡    - 4 -
(二)没有准确认识到信息技术在高中地理教学中的地位    - 4 -
(三)只是把信息技术视为高中地理教学的技术手段    - 4 -
(四)高中地理教师地理信息技术素质较低    - 5 -
五、应对信息技术与地理教学整合问题的对策    - 5 -
(一)提高在地理信息技术教学方面的投入    - 5 -
(二)提高对地理信息技术教学的认识    - 5 -
(三)重视资源建设,实现信息技术与地理课程的整合    - 6 -
(四)加大地理教师的信息技术水平培训    - 6 -
总结    - 7 -
参考文献    - 8 -
附录    - 9 -
