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Dreiser's Naturalism in An American Tragedy
摘  要


    Like many famous writers, Dreiser left a lot of confusion to us. Some critics say he is a realist, some called him a naturalist. Many critics have attempted to divide Dreiser in a genre, but such efforts are undoubtedly futile. In Dreiser's works on behalf of "American Tragedy" in Germany vegetable plug he demonstrated in the characters and plot of excellent talents. This paper analyzes the use of Dreiser in this novel, the characters and the plot of the novel techniques and draw conclusions are used in the characterization of realism and naturalism style. And the raw materials make this abridged and exaggerated but the novel is not a true record of the murder and is a fascinating artwork by Dreiser. The novel has become the perfect knot of naturalism and realism Composite product. In this novel, Dreiser chose a theme that Americans knew: a young man's pursuit of the American dream. Influenced by the social environment, family background and its genetic factors, Clyde, the hero of the novel, from a naive boy fall for vanity, selfish, shameless, cruel and inhumane murderer. Clyde's tragedy in the era of young people in the United States has representative. Dreiser chose this theme not only to warn readers of the American dream is a fantasy but also implies the failure of Dreiser in the process of personal pursuit.
Like many famous writers, Dreiser left a lot of confusion to us. Some critics say he is a realist, some called him a naturalist. Many critics have attempted to divide Dreiser in a genre, but such efforts are undoubtedly futile. In Dreiser's works on behalf of "American Tragedy" in Germany vegetable plug he demonstrated in the characters and plot of excellent talents. This paper analyzes the use of Dreiser in this novel, the characters and the plot of the novel techniques and draw conclusions are used in the characterization of realism and naturalism style. And the raw materials make this abridged and exaggerated but the novel is not a true record of the murder and is a fascinating artwork by Dreiser. The novel has become the perfect knot of naturalism and realism Composite product.
Keywords:American dream; character building; plot conception; psychoanalysis

1  Introduction…………………………………………………………………………………………..3
2  Analyze the important roles of environment factors………………………………........5
    2.1 The Influence of Economic Boom on Clyde's Tragedy…………………………......7
    2.2 Consum on of the Leisure Class…………………………………………………….........10
    2.3 Clyde's Degeneration in Green-Davidson…………………………………...................13
    2.4 Gap between the Rich and the Poor in An American…………............…..................15
3  Discuss the influence of  hereditary factors for Clyde………………………….........17
    3.1 desire subject: Clyde……………………………………………...........................................19
      3.1.1 outside the city walls look up……………………………………….........................21
      3.1.2 These people to look up at the……………………………………............................22
    3.2 desire object: Status and money………………………………………..............................23
      3.2 1 position desire: self image in the eyes of the other………………………........25
      3.2 2 money desire: the material guarantee of self image…………………………...27
4  Talk about Clyde’s endlessly explosive desires and ambitions………………............28
    4.1 Inner Causes of Clyde's 1Yagedy…………………………………………........................30
      4.1.1 PersonaVty Weakness……………………………………………….............................31
      4.1.2 Lack of Morality………………………………………………………………...............32
