摘 要
本次设计的主要内容是法兰机械加工工艺及夹具设计,法兰主要是与其它零件配对使用,其主要加工表面及控制位置为 外圆和 内孔。由零件要求分析可知,保证 外圆和 内孔尺寸的同时应该尽量保证其同轴度,这对于后工序装配和总成使用上来说都有重要影响。所以,工序安排时,采取以 大外圆粗定位夹紧加工后,对 外圆进行车削加工同时成型。因其粗糙度为Ra3.2,可通过粗车、半精车满足。对于车削 内孔时,主要以法兰的 凸台定位,控制其自由度,以达到加工出来的产品满足要求并且一致性好的目的。
Enable producing the target in process of production raw materials, the blank , state of quality and quantity on part become always take place direct course of change ask craft course, if the blank is made, machining, heat treatment , assemble etc. and call it the craft course. In the course of making the craft , is it confirm every erector location and worker step that process need this of process to want, the locomotive of processing , this process , and the entering the giving amount of the lathe, cut depth , the rotational speed of the main shaft and speed of cutting, the jig of this process, the cutter and measuring tool, a one hundred sheets of number of times still leaves and a one hundred sheets of length leaves, calculate basic time of this process , auxiliary time and service time of place of working finally.
At present, part of the processing of domestic have begun to close to the machine tool, but also need to clamp the workpiece, that is to say, although the technology has been greatly improved but his nature has not changed much, on the flip side, because of his skill and precision is high, so a high quality tool holder of machine tools is an absolute necessity. As everyone knows, because our technology in the unceasing development, technical requirements for processing of the knife is also more and more high, before an ordinary lathe is clamped four tool, and now there is a large number of will not meet the work requirements, therefore, tool holder part can clamp the tool also needs our staff to develop.
Krywords:fixture multi-function,Die forging links,Group technology,clipping tight
2 零件的分析
2.1 夹具的发展史
2.2 零件的工艺分析
8-∮22.35直孔的钻、绞削加工,4-Rc1/2外圆孔的加工,4-∮19.99深15.01,4-∮13.72直孔的铣削加工,其中8-∮22.35直孔的表面粗糙度要求为 ,4-∮19.99深15.01孔表面粗糙度要求为 ,其余加工表面的粗糙度均为 。

目 录
摘 要 I
Abstract II
1 绪论 1
2 零件的分析 5
2.1 零件的作用 5
2.2 零件的工艺分析 5
3 确定毛坯,绘制毛坯图、零件图 8
3.1确定毛坯的制造形式及材料 8
3.2机械加工余量、工序尺寸及毛坯尺寸的确定 8
4 法兰工艺规程设计 10
4.1定位基准的选择 10
4.2制定工艺路线 10
4.3选择加工设备及刀、夹、量具 14
4.4 确定切削用量及基本工时 16
4.4.1粗车∮195外圆,粗车∮96台阶外圆及左端面 17
4.4.2调头装夹,粗车∮55外圆及右端面 20
4.4.3半精车∮190.5、 外圆及倒角至尺寸 20
4.4.4车底部宽6.39沟槽 19
4.4.5车 深5凹槽至尺寸 19
4.4.6调头装夹,粗车、半精车 锥孔至尺寸 20
4.4.7铣4-∮19.99深15.01,∮13.72至尺寸 20
4.4.8钻、绞8-∮22.35直孔至尺寸 20
4.4.9钻、攻4- Rc外圆孔至尺寸 20
5 手动编制程序 26
6 车外圆夹具的设计 26
6.1选择定位基准 27
6.2分析误差 27
6.3夹具的夹紧力和切削力的计算 28
6.4夹紧元件及动力装置确定 29
6.5夹具设计及操作的简要说明 30
结 论 31
致 谢 32
参考文献 33