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来源:56doc.com  资料编号:5D16439 资料等级:★★★★★ %E8%B5%84%E6%96%99%E7%BC%96%E5%8F%B7%EF%BC%9A5D16439
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摘  要


In 2013, the decline in domestic economic growth rate, consumption rate index decreased, the apparel industry consumption level decreased. Clothing retail sales for 817 billion 980 million yuan, 6.2 percentage points lower than in 2012. And 2011 inventory in the rising trend remained small tend to rise, in 2014 the end of March reached nearly six years of high value, the amount reached 17.34 billion yuan, in 2013 the inventory, inventory of Smith Barney and Semir were reduced 21.25% and 15.02%. And let it is worth noting is, Hailan home and quinones technology the integration effect is removed, Heilan home inventory in 2014 in March than in 2013 March increased 13.26 million yuan. Huge inventory growth.
This article mainly to the home of Hailan capital stock structure, stock quantity, inventory turnover and inventory provision such as some of the financial indicators analysis, and from these financial data found Hailan home in inventory management exist three problems, then according to the problems we precipitated the reason where, and gives the corresponding solutions. This thesis proposes suggestions for improvement can provide certain reference value for similar Hailan home inventory problems enterprises

Key words: clothing industry;Inventory management;inventory turnover
目  录
第1章  绪论    1
1.1  研究背景及意义    1
1.2  研究内容    1
1.3  研究方法    1
第2章  存货管理理论概述    3
2.1  存货的概念及特点    3
2.2  存货管理的重要性    3
第3章  海澜之家货现状分析    4
3.1  企业概况    4
3.2  海澜之家存货管理现状分析    4
3.2.1  企业存货资产比例分析    4
3.2.2  企业的存货量分析    5
3.2.3  企业存货周转率分析    6
3.2.4  企业存货跌价准备分析    8
第4章  海澜之家存货管理存在的问题及原因分析    9
4.1  海澜之家存货管理存在的问题    9
  4.1.1  海澜之家门店存货管理效率不高    9
  4.1.2  外购产品存货量过大    9
   4.1.3  存货周转率低于市场平均水平    9
4.2  海澜之家存货问题产生的原因    10
4.2.1  加盟店数量的扩大    10
4.2.2  企业的供货模式和经营模式    10
4.2.3  与供货商签订附滞销产品可退换条件的采购合同    11
第5章 优化海澜之家存货管理问题的对策    16
5.1  提升对海澜之家加盟店的市场预算分析    12
5.2  进一步提升供应链管理能力及信息化水平    12
5.3  采取多频少购进货模式    13
第6章  结论    14
参考文献    15
致谢    16
