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来源:56doc.com  资料编号:5D16945 资料等级:★★★★★ %E8%B5%84%E6%96%99%E7%BC%96%E5%8F%B7%EF%BC%9A5D16945
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摘  要

The internal audit is an important means for enterprises to strengthen self-discipline mechanism, is to change their operating mechanism to regulate the internal management, improve economic efficiency, the establishment of the objective requirements of the modern enterprise system. For the internal audit really play a supervisory and advisory functions, first of all depends on the independence of the internal audit. The independence of the internal audit can be said is the nerve center of the entire audit work of the enterprise, but also the soul of the audit work. Because a business only to achieve the independence of the internal audit, to be able to play the real role of the internal audit, but also to be able to promote the overall business goals through internal audits, to allow enterprises to more effective risk management, management control, to achieve the maximum economic benefit. Therefore, the study of the independence of the internal audit, the first exposition of the concept of the independence of the internal audit, followed by analysis of the constraints and the reasons of our internal institutions in the process of the implementation of the audit activities, by independence, the last in the article proposed to strengthen the independence of the internal audit recommendations to promote the internal audit institutions to achieve real independence organization and mentally, in order to give full play to the supervision of the internal audit, the building functions.
Keywords: internal audit; independence; audit results; supervision
