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摘    要

  The current coal enterprises with complete business management and transfer to fixed, through the investigation learned that the one sidedness of the fixed assets in the coal enterprise, the system becomes a mere formality, arbitrarily large; idle phenomenon is serious, serious waste of fixed assets; compare purchase, repeat purchase phenomenon; fixed assets, resulting in the loss of the waste large leaks and other problems exist, and puts forward some countermeasures for the strategy of the company. Mainly through the establishment and improvement of fixed assets in the purchase, acceptance, storage, use, disposal, the fixed assets, including all fixed into the computer management. Strengthen the use of units, departments and the use of personal interaction of a set of management system and other aspects of the proposal, the rational allocation of company fixed assets, strengthen fixed assets, improve the efficiency of the use of other aspects of great significance.
Key words: Coal enterprises; fixed assets management; Kailuan Energy Chemical Enterprise.

目  录
1、问题的提出    5
2、本论文相关的国外研究动态    6
3、本论文相关的国内研究动态    7
4、论文主要研究内容与组织结构    7
一、企业固定资产管理的概念及特征    8
1、企业固定资产管理的主要内容    8
2、企业固定资产管理的特征    8
三、企业固定资产管理存在的问题    9
1、固定资产采购随意性较大    9
2、固定管理职责与制度缺失    10
3、企业固定资产账面价值与实际价值不符,专管人员缺失    11
4、固定资产折旧方式选择不当    11
5、固定资产闲置和流失现象严重    12
四、针对企业固定资产管理存在问题的对策研究    13
1、健全公司固定资产源头管理    13
2、加强固定资产日常管理工作    14
3、强化固定资产实物的信息化管理    15
4、结合实际情况选择固定资产折旧方法    16
5、做好公司固定资产优化清理    17
6、完善固定购置计划采购制度和验收制度    18
结论    13
参考文献    14
致谢    16
