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中文摘要:我国旅游业历经30年的发展,取得了巨大的成就,已成为中国经济发展的重要支柱产业,并且有着广阔的发展前景。青岛、大连不仅分别是山东、辽宁二省的旅游龙头城市, 也是环渤海地区最主要的两个轴心旅游城市, 其旅游业的发展, 具有举足轻重的区域地位。由于在区位、资源以及社会经济环境方面存在不少相似之处, 两市的旅游业, 既具有竞争性、替代性, 又有相互协作的可能性和必要性。试对大连和青岛旅游业发展与创新进行比较,以期给我国同类型海滨城市的旅游业发展提供借鉴。
关键词: 旅游业 发展与创新  大连  青岛

China's tourism industry after 30 years of development,has made great achievements and become an important pillar industry in China's economic development .It has a broad development prospects. Dalian and Qingdao two coastal cities due to the superior natural conditions, rich tourism resources, complete infrastructure,making the two cities’ tourism development is more successful, but also for the tourism industry has made a contribution to the economic development of the two cities.
   Qingdao, Dalian is not only Shandong, Liaoning two provinces of the tourism leading city, but also the central Bohai area of the two axis of the city, the development of its tourism industry, has a pivotal position. Because of the many similarities in location, resources and social and economic environment, the tourism industry in the two cities is both competitive and alternative, and the possibility and necessity of mutual cooperation. To compare and analyze the development and innovation of tourism industry in Qingdao and Dalian in order to provide a reference for the development of tourism industry in the same type of coastal cities in China.
Keywords:Dalian;Qingdao;Tourism industry;Development and innovation
