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Study on the Influence of Artificial Landscaping on the Image of Wuzhen Tourist Destination
【Abstract】Artificial landscape has an important role in restoring and restoring ancient town buildings, restoring ancient town style and enhancing the cultural atmosphere. Taking wuzhen as an example, this paper studies the influence of artificial scenes on the image formation of the tourist destination in wuzhen, the way of combining artificial landscape and the survey of tourist satisfaction. Through on-the-spot investigation and questionnaire survey, questionnaires were collected, 170, through the analysis of the samples of those surveyed found that respondents have certain knowledge of wuzhen, groups and hierarchical distributed homogeneously, the results of the analysis has the high representative and credibility. Jump through the topic selected to wuzhen tourism of those surveyed 109 people and from wuzhen, wuzhen scenic spot design, infrastructure, wuzhen, wuzhen accommodation, culture atmosphere, wuzhen, wuzhen road design combined with core elements, sex of elements and supporting several aspects were analyzed. Through impact analysis found that: wuzhen artificial landscape for tourism destination elements constitute the core of sex, sex of elements and supporting all have positive correlation, the influence of the artificial landscape integrity in the core factor of wuzhen has the development potential, area construction of the core elements of wuzhen with lifting effect, infrastructure construction to improve the compatibility of wuzhen elements of tourist satisfaction, wuzhen accommodation and store design is beneficial to strengthen the humanistic environment is conducive to interactive communication, wuzhen, to improve cultural connotation of artificial landscape, wuzhen road design have a function to guide the tourists.
【Key Words】Artificial landscape,Tourist destination image,wuzhen,Man-made Landscapes

引言    1
一、研究综述    3
(一)研究现状    3
1.旅游目的地形象研究    3
2.人工造景需要考虑的因素    3
(二)人工造景的相关概念    6
1.人工造景的概念    6
2.人造景观的概念    6
(三)旅游目的地形象的相关概念    6
(四)旅游目的地形象的构成要素    7
(五)确定评价指标    7
1.核心性要素    8
2.配套性要素    8
3.辅助性要素    8
二、研究设计    8
(一)乌镇人工造景成果实地考察    8
1.乌镇建筑整体结构、整体风格和功能布局    9
2.乌镇基础设施与住宿    10
3.乌镇店铺分布,店铺功能    11
4.乌镇现代化功能建筑    12
5.乌镇引景区设计    12
(二)基于古镇人工造景成果与相应旅游目的地形象评价指标的游客满意度问卷调查设计    13
1.调查对象    13
2.跳题设计    13
3.变量设计    14
三、结果分析    15
(一)被调查者情况    15
(二)基于调查结果对旅游目的地形象的构成因素的相应分析    15
1.人工造景对核心性要素的影响    16
2.人工造景对配套性要素的影响    17
3.人工造景对辅助性要素的影响    17
四、人工造景对乌镇旅游目的地形象的影响分析    17
(一)乌镇的人工造景对乌镇旅游目的地形象有着正面作用。    17
(二)乌镇人工造景的整体性在核心性要素中具有开发潜力    18
(三)乌镇的引景区建设对核心性要素具有提升作用    19
(四)乌镇的基础设施建设提高了配套性要素的游客满意度    19
(五)乌镇住宿和店铺设计有利于加强互动性交流    20
(六)乌镇的人文环境塑造有利于提升人工造景的文化内涵    20
(七)乌镇的道路设计具有引导游客的作用    21
结论    22
参考文献    23
致谢    24
表2-1 调查对象    13
表2-2 跳题设计    13
表2-3 变量设计    13
表3-1 克隆巴赫系数    15
