关键词:工艺规程组合机床 随行夹具
Coulter gear-box parts of rotary cultivator is an important mechanical device, under the condition of mass production in the factory, to aspecial for the design of the production line, to ensure the processing quality and production efficiency. This technology is designed to design the combination machine tool andspecial fixture for the ground milling process of the gearbox.
When writing the design specification, refer to a lot of manual mechanical process, process structure of coulter gearbox are analyzed in detail, combined with the actual production conditions, preparation of the processing technology of the colter transmission routes, and calculate the processing parameters, on the basis of the design overall processing of the workpiece, respectively, design a combination of coarse and fine milling machine, combination machine tool design and draw three figure a card, pallet design bottom milling process. The structure and working principle of the accompanying fixture are introduced in detail, and it is reasonable to calculate the structure design and the selection of the parts.
Key Words:technological procedure;combined machine tool;follow fixture
2.1 零件的工艺分析
2.2 确定零件毛坯尺寸
第1章绪论 1
组合机床 1
国内外现状 1
发展趋势 2
随行夹具 2
国内外现状 2
发展趋势 2
课题研究内容与目标 3
第2章箱体零件加工的工艺规程制订 4
2.1 零件的工艺分析 4
2.2 确定零件毛坯尺寸 5
2.3 拟定零件工艺路线 5
2.3.1 工艺方法的确定 5
2.3.2 确定工艺过程方案 5
2.4 选择加工设备与工艺装备 7
2.4.1 选择加工机床 7
2.4.2 选择工序夹具 8
2.4.3 选择刀具 8
2.5 铣削参数计算 8
2.5.1 工序020(粗铣N基准面至47mm)铣削参数计算 8
2.5.2 工序030(半精铣N基准面至46±0.05mm)铣削参数计算 10
2.6 生产节拍计算 11
第3章组合机床总体设计 12
3.1 被加工零件工序图 12
3.2 加工示意图 13
3.3 机床联系尺寸图 14
3.3.1 选择主运动动力部件 14
3.3.2 选择进给运动部件 14
3.3.3 选择滑台侧底座 15
3.3.4 设计加工工作台 15
3.3.5 设计各组件联系尺寸 15
3.4 机床生产率计算卡 15
3.4.1 理想生产率Q 15
3.4.2 实际生产率Q1 16
3.4.3 机床负荷率η负 16
第4章随行夹具设计 17
4.1 制订零件的定位夹紧方案 17
4.2 夹具结构设计 18
4.3 夹具受力分析 19
4.4 定位精度分析 20
结论 22
参考文献 23
致谢 24
附录 25
附A:机械加工工艺过程卡片 25
附B:粗铣加工工序图 26
附C:半精铣加工工序图 27
附D:粗铣机床生产率计算卡 28
附E:半精铣机床生产率计算卡 28