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来源:56doc.com  资料编号:5D14407 资料等级:★★★★★ %E8%B5%84%E6%96%99%E7%BC%96%E5%8F%B7%EF%BC%9A5D14407
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关键词:  模具设计;  方便;  注射

    The wastebasket is very common in daily life, almost every family should be used. The design of the waste paper basket structure is relatively simple, but in the design consider its application, also do some surface, so surface structure more calculated is greater. In the injection mold design, convenient, accurate, fast query and calculation of all design parameters. It is an important technology tool for intelligent and fast design of die design.
    Through the correct analysis of plastic molding process, a mould of plastic mould is designed..Molding parts in direct and plastic contact under high temperature and high pressure melt under a certain temperature. Therefore, it is necessary to have reasonable structure, high strength and rigidity, good wear resistance, the correct geometry, high dimensional accuracy and low rough surface of. The selection and calculation of the technological parameters of the important parts, the design process of the mechanism and the pouring system and other structure of the system.
    The data and the known design parameters is calculated on the basis of the existing plastic design to determine the plastic wastebasket injection mould overall design scheme. Analysis of plastic waste basket of process performance, the choice of injection machine, surface determined, the number of cavity, forming part of the design, gating system design, demould mechanism design. According to the calculation results and finally completed the design of the injection mold plastic wastebasket.

Keywords:  die design;  easy;  injection



目  录
    第一章绪论      1
1.1 塑料模具的特点      1
1.2 注塑成型及注塑模      1
1.3 塑料成型技术的发展趋势      2
      1.3.1 模具的标准化     2
      1.3.2 加强理论研      2
      1.3.3 塑料制件的精密化、微型化和超大化      2
    第二章塑料件结构分析      3
2.1 注塑材料结构      3
2.2 注塑材料的选择      3
    第三章塑件的工艺分析      4
3.1 塑件适用材料的种类      4
3.2 PE注塑成型的工艺条件      4
3.3 塑件材料的加工特性      5
3.4 塑料件壁厚的确定      5
3.5 塑件的结构分析      6
    第四章注射机的选用      7
4.1 注射模的形成      7
4.2 注射模的特点      7
4.3 注射部分的选择      8
      4.3.1 注射压力的校核      8
      4.3.2 最前端的孔和球      8
4.4 注射量的校核      8
4.5 模具与注射机安装模具部分相关尺寸校核      9
    第五章浇注系统的设计     10
5.1 浇注系统的设计     10
      5.1.1 浇注系统设计原则     10
      5.1.2 主流道设计     11
      5.1.3 主流道衬套的设计     11
      5.1.4 分流道的设计     12
      5.1.5 浇口的设计     14
  5.1.6 冷却槽的设计     15
5.2 分型面的设计     15
  5.2.1 分型面的定义     16
  5.2.2.分型面的选择设计原则     16
    第六章成型零件部的设计     17
6.1 型腔尺寸计算     17
6.2 型芯尺寸计算     17
6.3 脱模机构的设计     18
  6.3.1 脱模机构的分类     18
  6.3.2 脱模力的计算     18
  6.3.3 脱模机构的要求     19
      6.3.4 模机构的选用原则     19
6.4 推出机构的设计     20
    第七章加热、冷却系统的设计     21
7.1 求塑件在硬化时每小时释放的热量Q     21
7.2 求冷却水的体积流量V     21
7.3 冷却系统设计原则     21
    参考文献     22
    致谢     23
