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Based on the theory of metal die casting, the software Procast simulates the filling and solidification process, and takes the lead antimony alloy grid die casting containing 4.2% antimony as the research object, two different pouring systems are worked out. The numerical simulation of grid die castings with two different gating systems was carried out respectively. the filling process, solidification sequence, temperature field, solidification solid phase ratio and liquid phase ratio of the two schemes in the simulation process were compared. Especially in the hot section of the final solidification process, the crack prone place of the grid is determined. After many simulation comparisons, the parameters involved in the grid forming process are optimized, and an optimal gating system scheme is obtained.
According to the simulation results, the three-dimensional model of the grid is established in the software SolidWorks. On this basis, the motion, fixed formwork, parting surface, overflow slot and exhaust tank, push-out mechanism and cooling channel are designed. Finally, the anti-gravity filling type is applied. The forming of the grid is realized, and the two-dimensional diagram of the model is drawn in AutoCAD.
In this paper, the software Procast is used to simulate the mold filling and solidification process of lead-antimony alloy grid die castings. Through the optimization and improvement of pouring system and the setting of parameters, the crack defects in the process of grid production and manufacture are improved to a certain extent, and the waste product rate is reduced. It also simplifies the die design, shortens the casting forming cycle and improves the production efficiency.
Key words: Die casting forming;Procast;Gating system;Process parameters;Anti-gravity filling;Crack defects.


摘要    1
Abstract    2
第1章绪论    1
1.1 压铸铅锑合金板栅背景及分析    1
1.2 压铸工艺概述    1
1.3 铸造过程数值模拟概述    1
1.3.1 铸造过程数值模拟的发展历程    2
1.3.2铸造过程数值模拟的内容和意义    2
1.4 本研究模流分析软件Procast概述    2
1.5 本研究的主要内容    3
第2章铸件成型方案的确立    4
2.1 板栅结构及成分分析    4
2.1.1 板栅结构分析    4
2.1.2 板栅的成分分析    4
2.2 板栅工艺参数    5
2.2.1 温度参数    6
2.2.2 速度参数    6
2.2.3压力参数    7
2.2.3时间参数    8
2.3分型面的确立    8
2.4板栅浇铸系统设计    8
2.4.1 浇注系统    8
2.4.2 浇注系统的作用    9
2.4.3板栅浇注系统方案设计    9
2.5预热系统的设置和冷却水道的设置    9
2.5.1 预热系统的设置    9
2.5.2 冷却水道的设置    10
2.6溢流槽、排气槽设置    11
2.7压铸机选型    11
2.7.1 压铸机分类    11
2.7.2 板栅压铸机选型    12
第3章基于Procast的板栅模拟分析    13
3.1 板栅铸件网格划分    13
3.2 数值模拟参数设置    17
3.2.1 重力方向设置    18
3.2.2材料热物性参数设置    18
3.2.3界面换热系数设置    18
3.2.4边界条件设置    19
3.2.5初始条件设置    19
3.2.6 铸造模块设置    20
3.3模拟结果分析    23
第4章板栅裂纹缺陷及防止措施    23
4.1铅锑合金板栅冷裂纹    24
4.2铅锑合金板栅热裂纹    24
4.3模拟后的裂纹分析    25
第5章板栅模具设计    25
5.1 浇注系统设计    25
5.2板栅压铸模具定模、动模设计    25
5.3排溢系统设置    26
5.4冷却系统设计    26
5.5顶出机构设计    27
5.6板栅压铸工作流程    28
5.7 板栅反重力铸造    29
5.7.1反重力铸造    30
5.7.2板栅反重力铸造    30
5.8 模具开合模动画演示    30
5.9 本章小结    30
第6章经济性与环保分析    31
6.1 模具价格计算方法    31
6.2 模具报价计算    31
第7章结论与展望    32
7.1 本文研究结论    32
7.2 板栅发展展望    32
致谢    33
参考文献    34
