The research object of this paper is a certain automobile gearbox part BF shift lock plate, material 35 steel, thickness 5mm, maximum aperture 15mm, minimum aperture 6mm, perimeter 640mm, tolerance grade T7, small and medium parts, the part shape is flat plate, the edge structure is slightly complex. The blanking process is less, the precision stamping scheme is selected according to its structural characteristics and precision requirements, and the fine blanking die and many parts are designed. With the help of the three-dimensional modeling software PROE, the BF shift lock plate, the reverse pressure plate, the punch and concave die and the V-shaped gear ring are modeled, and the three-dimensional numerical simulation of the fine blanking process is carried out with the help of the numerical simulation analysis software DEFORM. This paper focuses on the quality of the shear plane, such as the proportion of the smooth surface, the collapse angle and the burr, and analyzes the factors affecting the quality, such as the blanking speed, the blanking clearance, the tooth profile parameters of the gear ring, the back pressure blank holder force, the edge fillet radius of the punch, and so on. Several groups of data are set up for simulation, and with reference to the results of comparison, a reasonable fine blanking process plan is screened and formulated, and the general assembly drawing and each part drawing are drawn. The results obtained have important guiding significance for fine blanking BF shift lock plate.
Key Words: Fine blanking process; DEFORM; die
首先零件形状及尺寸偏小,尺寸精度要求T7,中等精度要求, 要求剪切面光洁。由制件图可见R 5mm的1/4圆孔和 ϕ 15mm圆孔等处的尺寸要求很高,普通冲裁工艺难以达到的尺寸精度。另外该锁板材质:35钢,厚度5mm,查表可得35钢的可精冲最大厚度为8mm,抗拉强度 σb (MPa)≥530MPa,在精冲难度等级属于中等。由以上综合得出,该制件符合精冲件结构工艺性要求,适合精冲工艺进行加工。

第1章绪论 1
1.1精冲技术背景 1
1.2精冲技术发展与应用 1
1.3精冲现状 2
1.4选题相关 3
第2章零件工艺分析 4
2.1工艺性分析 4
2.2确定精冲工艺方案 4
2.2.1精冲工艺计算 4
2.2.2工艺方案确定 5
2.2.3活动凸模式和固定凸模式精冲模比较 5
2.2.4选择合适的精冲机 6
2.2.5排样和搭边 7
第3章模具零部件设计 8
3.1齿圈 8
3.1.1齿圈作用 8
3.1.2齿圈设计 8
3.2凸、凹模间隙 9
3.3凹模和凸模设计 10
3.3.1凹模设计 11
3.3.2凸模设计 11
3.4传力杆 12
3.4.1设计要求 12
3.4.2载荷计算 13
3.5顶出装置 14
3.6反压板 14
3.7精冲模架 14
第4章数值模拟分析 15
4.1建模及导入 15
4.2精冲过程 16
4.2.1应力应变分析 16
4.2.2齿圈分析 16
4.2.3冲裁面质量分析 16
第5章结论 17
参考文献 18
致谢 20